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President Obama vs Mitt Romney

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Topic: President Obama vs Mitt Romney
Posted By: FehtalaTee
Subject: President Obama vs Mitt Romney
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2012 at 11:53pm

What are yall thoughts about the debate? Who you think won the first round? Do you think Mitt did a complete U-Turn during the debate or is it all lies? Do you think President Obama wasn't aggressive enough toward Mitt Romney? Who do you think will win at the end of the debate. What are some of the subjects you would like to hear them debate about?Smile

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:33am
id like to hear them to debate about who's better at ut3 derr

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Do_OR_Die_815_
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:34am
Originally posted by SIZZLE

id like to hear them to debate about who's better at ut3 derr
Lol, Romeny reminds me a tryhard..

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:39am
lol Obama would probably set idle a lot like Glock

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Do_OR_Die_815_
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:41am
Or send you hate mail...

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:51am
loooooool Romney would be all serious calling out strategy and sh1t

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 12:36pm
Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 1:19pm
Bring back Clinton!!!! lol

Romney destroyed Obama in the debate. Obama wasn't prepared at all for it. I think they are both **** but my votes on Romney. Obama just plain sucks.

****Bain For President 2012****

Here's a fun thought... Aqua, Bain, and Medic should all run for president.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 2:34pm
we need a hillybilly in the white house... policy would be own a shotgun, a fishing pole and a truck and you don't need a job... hillbilly's never lost a dime on wallstreet in 08... try telling a hillbilly to give a wallstreet investment firm his money and see what happens... he sure aint going to go for his fishing pole or his truck... a hillbilly would negotiate better trade deals with China just by saying take this offer, or get the fk off of our property, and by the way there's a small 17 trillion dollar fee for meeting with the Presedent... yea i think its time for a hillbilly to be Presedent... someone that knows how to stretch a dollar... someone that knows how to trim the fat... someone that knows about family... someone that knows hard times... someone that knows how to get things done... someone that knows someone that knows Bubba

Hillbilly for Presedent

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 4:47pm

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency. At some point, some geniuses should be asking whether this has been done intentionally to tank America. This guys has a true resentment of capitalism. Someone should send him a book with US history. This country's foundation is pure capitalism. Without it, nothing.

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. Do you all know why gas is so high? It has nothing to do with oil prices. In order to pay for the debt this dumb**** has accumulated, the Federal Reserve has had to print US dollars 24/7 for the past 3 years. This has flooded the market with US dollars, thus reducing the value of our currency by 50% over the past 3 years. Therefore, commodities like gas, which cost $2.30/gallon 4 years ago, now cost over double the price. Remember, all this without the price of oil changing. Basically, anyone who was making $100K 3 years ago, if their salary is the same, they now have the same buying power today as someone who made $50K 3 years ago. All this why the cost of consumable is increasing since the US dollar is devalued into crap.
Let's take this a step further . . . the housing market. The housing market, which is one of the biggest sources of tax income to the Government is in the ****ter, not because of subprime loans, but because of the devaluation of the dollar. The Government, in order to not look like fools for making our US dollar worthless, deflected the issue blaming sub-prime mortgages. It's not like there isn't demand to purchase homes. However because everyone's money is now worth a pile of crap, they can no longer afford it. Their buying power has been crushed. So what's the solution Mr. Obama? Raise taxes (reducing personal income), limit the bank's lending abilities (preventing money from flowing to the masses), and raise costs of doing business (i.e., Affordable 'bull****" healthcare act, raising corporate tax, etc). As stated earlier, the Federal Reserve is priniting money at astronomical rates. If the free market is not getting the money, since there is no way to get it to them, where is it going? Answer: All to the US Government to run up more debt. If people don't realize that they are getting hosed by this President, they are just plainly and simply brainless.
So please, someone tell me, why the hell is anyone voting for Obama?


Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:08pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency. At some point, some geniuses should be asking whether this has been done intentionally to tank America. This guys has a true resentment of capitalism. Someone should send him a book with US history. This country's foundation is pure capitalism. Without it, nothing.

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. Do you all know why gas is so high? It has nothing to do with oil prices. In order to pay for the debt this dumb**** has accumulated, the Federal Reserve has had to print US dollars 24/7 for the past 3 years. This has flooded the market with US dollars, thus reducing the value of our currency by 50% over the past 3 years. Therefore, commodities like gas, which cost $2.30/gallon 4 years ago, now cost over double the price. Remember, all this without the price of oil changing. Basically, anyone who was making $100K 3 years ago, if their salary is the same, they now have the same buying power today as someone who made $50K 3 years ago. All this why the cost of consumable is increasing since the US dollar is devalued into crap.
Let's take this a step further . . . the housing market. The housing market, which is one of the biggest sources of tax income to the Government is in the ****ter, not because of subprime loans, but because of the devaluation of the dollar. The Government, in order to not look like fools for making our US dollar worthless, deflected the issue blaming sub-prime mortgages. It's not like there isn't demand to purchase homes. However because everyone's money is now worth a pile of crap, they can no longer afford it. Their buying power has been crushed. So what's the solution Mr. Obama? Raise taxes (reducing personal income), limit the bank's lending abilities (preventing money from flowing to the masses), and raise costs of doing business (i.e., Affordable 'bull****" healthcare act, raising corporate tax, etc). As stated earlier, the Federal Reserve is priniting money at astronomical rates. If the free market is not getting the money, since there is no way to get it to them, where is it going? Answer: All to the US Government to run up more debt. If people don't realize that they are getting hosed by this President, they are just plainly and simply brainless.
So please, someone tell me, why the hell is anyone voting for Obama?

I will admit Romney's strategy was great and that's because he was trained in avoiding questions by being taught how to effectively "DANCE AROUND" the questions. I believe it did catch President Obama off guard, he prepared for the same manufactured Romney-Bot3000 he'd been accustomed to throughout this re-election term (fault of his own staff for not being prepared for the worst). As a result of the debate, we are now aware of a few things: Romney can count to seven, he has shaken the hand of an unemployed individual in Ohio (whom can't afford your tax or health care plans and probably needs planned parenthood), he has the ability to completely change his stance on everything he's proposed (its like a whole new person), he blatantly lied about cutting federal funding for education, he's claiming to still cover individuals with preexisting conditions (another lie), and he bragged about MA being number one in education (which had nothing to do with you - reform was already in place in 1993). PBS's Big Bird taught us to tell the truth and how to use vowels and consonants to spell L-I-A-R !!


Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:11pm
Everyone has their opinions on this but in all honesty this thread will just probably end up with back and forth arguing that will go nowhere.


Posted By: -DaGoN-
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:15pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency. At some point, some geniuses should be asking whether this has been done intentionally to tank America. This guys has a true resentment of capitalism. Someone should send him a book with US history. This country's foundation is pure capitalism. Without it, nothing.

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. Do you all know why gas is so high? It has nothing to do with oil prices. In order to pay for the debt this dumb**** has accumulated, the Federal Reserve has had to print US dollars 24/7 for the past 3 years. This has flooded the market with US dollars, thus reducing the value of our currency by 50% over the past 3 years. Therefore, commodities like gas, which cost $2.30/gallon 4 years ago, now cost over double the price. Remember, all this without the price of oil changing. Basically, anyone who was making $100K 3 years ago, if their salary is the same, they now have the same buying power today as someone who made $50K 3 years ago. All this why the cost of consumable is increasing since the US dollar is devalued into crap.
Let's take this a step further . . . the housing market. The housing market, which is one of the biggest sources of tax income to the Government is in the ****ter, not because of subprime loans, but because of the devaluation of the dollar. The Government, in order to not look like fools for making our US dollar worthless, deflected the issue blaming sub-prime mortgages. It's not like there isn't demand to purchase homes. However because everyone's money is now worth a pile of crap, they can no longer afford it. Their buying power has been crushed. So what's the solution Mr. Obama? Raise taxes (reducing personal income), limit the bank's lending abilities (preventing money from flowing to the masses), and raise costs of doing business (i.e., Affordable 'bull****" healthcare act, raising corporate tax, etc). As stated earlier, the Federal Reserve is priniting money at astronomical rates. If the free market is not getting the money, since there is no way to get it to them, where is it going? Answer: All to the US Government to run up more debt. If people don't realize that they are getting hosed by this President, they are just plainly and simply brainless.
So please, someone tell me, why the hell is anyone voting for Obama?
I don't know enough about the politic actions in the US, but didn't Bush actually destroy the US economy and currency (if you want to blame one person) ?
So are the Republicans not actually saying something like "Vote for us, because Obama couldn't clean up the we made !" ? Please correct me if I'm wrong..

Germany's economy is just great at the moment, we are the world's leading export country (even though we're a fkn small country compared to China or the US, so that means a lot )
Now I just did the math.. you wanna know how much we pay for a gallon of gas here ?
7,99 $ on an average
It was even up to 8,28 $ at times
It's partly the oil prices, the European situation just as it's the high demand and especially the mineral oil groups ripping us off

B-B-BucKetHe4D !

Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:23pm
Originally posted by -DaGoN-

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency. At some point, some geniuses should be asking whether this has been done intentionally to tank America. This guys has a true resentment of capitalism. Someone should send him a book with US history. This country's foundation is pure capitalism. Without it, nothing.

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. Do you all know why gas is so high? It has nothing to do with oil prices. In order to pay for the debt this dumb**** has accumulated, the Federal Reserve has had to print US dollars 24/7 for the past 3 years. This has flooded the market with US dollars, thus reducing the value of our currency by 50% over the past 3 years. Therefore, commodities like gas, which cost $2.30/gallon 4 years ago, now cost over double the price. Remember, all this without the price of oil changing. Basically, anyone who was making $100K 3 years ago, if their salary is the same, they now have the same buying power today as someone who made $50K 3 years ago. All this why the cost of consumable is increasing since the US dollar is devalued into crap.
Let's take this a step further . . . the housing market. The housing market, which is one of the biggest sources of tax income to the Government is in the ****ter, not because of subprime loans, but because of the devaluation of the dollar. The Government, in order to not look like fools for making our US dollar worthless, deflected the issue blaming sub-prime mortgages. It's not like there isn't demand to purchase homes. However because everyone's money is now worth a pile of crap, they can no longer afford it. Their buying power has been crushed. So what's the solution Mr. Obama? Raise taxes (reducing personal income), limit the bank's lending abilities (preventing money from flowing to the masses), and raise costs of doing business (i.e., Affordable 'bull****" healthcare act, raising corporate tax, etc). As stated earlier, the Federal Reserve is priniting money at astronomical rates. If the free market is not getting the money, since there is no way to get it to them, where is it going? Answer: All to the US Government to run up more debt. If people don't realize that they are getting hosed by this President, they are just plainly and simply brainless.
So please, someone tell me, why the hell is anyone voting for Obama?
I don't know enough about the politic actions in the US, but didn't Bush actually destroy the US economy and currency (if you want to blame one person) ?
So are the Republicans not actually saying something like "Vote for us, because Obama couldn't clean up the we made !" ? Please correct me if I'm wrong..

Germany's economy is just great at the moment, we are the world's leading export country (even though we're a fkn small country compared to China or the US, so that means a lot )
Now I just did the math.. you wanna know how much we pay for a gallon of gas here ?
7,99 $ on an average
It was even up to 8,28 $ at times
It's partly the oil prices, the European situation just as it's the high demand and especially the mineral oil groups ripping us off

Exactly Dagon the man inherited an economy everyone thought would be the next great depression and they expect him to snap his fingers and make it all go away. Give the man a break he's doing the best he can while having people scrutinize everything little thing about him that doesn't matter like that dumba$$ Donald trump tried to do with the birth certificate.


Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:43pm
Bain 2012! 


Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 5:49pm
Sorry guys there's no more room in Canada


Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2012 at 11:56pm

I’m really surprise at some of you on your post on how you feel about this subject. As a lot of you know, President Obama did lose that debate simply because Mitt lied his a ss off and as King said, "avoiding questions." Even though President Obama did try and call him out on some things and even the guy who was hosting it( I’m sorry I forgot his name but he ask Mitt twice to answer the question and all Mitt did was avoid it which pissed me off). I believe that if President Obama would just be more aggressive and stop being so nice, he can still win this easily even though a few lies from Mitt can save his tale. For the people who missed most of Mitt’s speeches but caught the debate and will vote this year, basing off how the debate is going so far, might vote for Mitt. I really do hope President Obama is ready next time because King was right, I think he was caught off guard with Mitt’s lies.

@Seph, why would you vote for Mitt? I’m not trying to come at you or anything brah, I’m just wondering.

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: phhiLLN
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 12:38am
Originally posted by Pinnacle

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. 
cali <

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 1:03am
dont be naïve they both dodged and avoided the questions, its been the MO for both leading parties for a long time. in the end, nothing actually important was discussed in this debate. neither discussed specifically how they plan to turn things around, they just tried to push why the other guys plan wont work. everything that was said is the same thing ud hear in any number of their campaign ads, except in the cases of Romney's false statements which hadnt popped up at all before.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 2:19am
yall just don't get it... Bush and Obama just did what the fed wanted them to do with those "so called" bail outs... if you don't realise what the fed is then you really don't have a clue whats really going on... you can get an idea of what the fed is with a little research, but you still wont know who's all envolved behind the scenes... its the richest bankers under the lead of the Rothchild family who is estimated to have massed a half a trillion in wealth... no matter which one wins this election the fed will still be in control of our economy just like they have been for decades... the fed just put inplace a deal where they can take billions of tax dollars every month indefinently without having to answer to anyone about it... just ask yourself how is that even possible? do you hear Obama or Romny even mentioning it? why is that? i'm to the point where i don't even want to know any more, because the more you know the more fk'd up it appears to be... they're agenda just don't seem to be a pro American agenda, and thats just really fk'd up no matter how you slice it

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 8:46am
I find it funny that this debate is getting fact checked more than anything that has happened in the past 4 years. I'm all for picking sides and defending the person I like, but honesty and this president don't exactly go hand and hand. The Obama adminstration has created a norm of misleading and dishonesty. The one things I can't stand is hypocrisy, especially when people's lives are on the line.
And for the record, I haven't provided any support of Romney, albeit, his success is something that a lot of people strive for. The reason why I'm voting is simply because we have the worst president in US history in office. Plain and simple. There is not one thing he has done that has improved this country, at a cost that the country can afford. 
Here are some lies that are patently false:
Auto Industry - Obama claims that the auto industry has come "roaring bacl". That's interesting. If the auto industry is roaring back, thatmeans the companies are profitable again? Very interesting is the fact that GM is about to declare bankruptcy.
Gitmo - Obama ran a campaign of fundamental change in 2008 and made it a point to present that he is shutting down Gitmo. I personally don't think closing Gitmo should be an option at all. There is value in keeping certain criminals OCONUS. However, our president gave a date and stood by it. Well, Gitmo never closed and all that hoopla was for nothing. What it did do however is advertise the issue that Americans toture people and provided fodder to Al Qeada.
Affordable Health Care Act - The president pledged that AHCA was going to be deficit nuetral. Noone could fact check this when Congress was voting on it, simply because the public didn't have the langauge of the law in front of them. Most of the langauge was conceled until signed by the president. The CBO has stated that this law alone, by modest calculations, will add $2 trillion to our national debt in 10 years. Sounds very deficit nuetral to me.
Cost of Healthcare - President claimed that the cost of healthcare would decline by passing the AHCA. Interestingly, the cost of health insurance has gone up by an average of $2,500 per household in 2011.
Tax Breaks for Companies Moving Oversees - The president claims that there is a tax loophole that provides tax breaks to companies moving oversees. I am a tax attorney and if there is one thing I understand it's the Internal Revenue Code. This is by far the most misleading of them all. Companies don't  get a tax break, they just don't pay taxes on money that does not enter America. If America hadn't become so detrimental to corporations, via corporate tax rates, more companies would stay here. Hence when China began taxing corporation in 2011 at astronomical rates and raised minimum wage, a lot of companies started to leave. Where are they going? India, South Africa, Brazil, etc.
Romney/Ryan Plan provides a $5 Trillion Tax Cut - Once again the president has chosen to be very misleading and selective as to how to phrase his attack. Yes there is a very large tax break that would be provided by lowering income taxes, corporate taxes and captial gains taxes. However, you can't look at a tax break and consider it the whole plan. All expenditures use forecasting based on historical actuals to figure out how their decisions would playout. Well, the CBO stated that the tax breaks amount to $2 trillion in breaks, but would probably increase tax income by significant amounts, thus stimulating the economy. More people would have more money in their pockets, which would provide incentives to spend it. Then the money moves around and more people spend it. In each of these transaction, the goverment would take a tax, just as they do now. The more the transactions, the more the tax.
If you guys need more examples, I'll provide more. But one question I have is, outside Obama being a decent person, why would anyone vote for his lousy policies for president? He doesn't have the faintest idea of what he is doing. Don't buy it? This guy has never held a job that dealt with profits and losses. Now we are asking him to raise us out of debt, which fundamentally means you need to raise profits and reduce losses.


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 9:14am
Originally posted by phhiLLN

Originally posted by Pinnacle

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. 
cali <
Yeah dude, we're getting f***ed here in LA. I went to 3 gas stations and they were closed. I found a fourth and $5.09/gallon. I didn't think we were living in the 60s and 70s anymore.


Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 10:28am
Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.


Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 12:03pm
Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
lol nice job again King.

Pinnacle, President Obama's plan has help. When I drive around my city, I see so many Construction workers making my city come up. Finical aid has helped me and my brother pay for college, giving us a better chance to get a good job, making money, and then giving it back to the economy. That is what I see over what Mitt is trying to do. On some things I do disagree with President Obama, and he isn’t the best President we have ever had, but he is better than Mitt, and I do see a lot of good things coming out of him being President the 4 years he has been in the chair. Another 4 years will give him more time do finish what he has started. Like King said, the economy was fu cked up to begin with and it took some time to get that way, so it will take time to get better.

BTW, the President doesn’t have as much power as people think he does. I think that is one of the things that is really slowing down the processes of the economy getting better.

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 12:18pm
sorry, i'm an immigrant. can't run for president. wait. don't we have an immigrant president at the moment?

Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 12:27pm
Originally posted by BAIN

sorry, i'm an immigrant. can't run for president. wait. don't we have an immigrant president at the moment?



Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 3:05pm
Ronald Reagon was a real Presedent... you want proof? he tried to do something about the fed! the fed made him back off... how can the fed make a standing US Presedent back off? power... they have all the power... they are worldwide in every major country... these 2 are BOTH just politicol puppets... they will say anything... its what politicians do

yall know about the muslim brotherhood becomming allies with Russia?
Yall know about the leader of the muslim brotherhood stating that Russia will make their fight with Isreal even?
Yall know about the Russian sups off the coast of Egypt?
Yall know what a war in Isreal would mean?
Yall know our economy is being propped up by foreigners till after the election to try to help Obama?

all are facts that you can see vids of online... most people just listen to CNN or Fox to get their info though

Bill Oreilly is looking out for the folks? < lmfao about that one... best bullsh1t line in history right there

Billy is the Bullsh1t master... mutha fk'a even had me fooled for a while :)    

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 4:10pm



Posted By: -DaGoN-
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 4:53pm
Originally posted by SIZZLE

these 2 are BOTH just politicol puppets... they will say anything... its what politicians do
I was kind of surprised at Pinn calling Obama out to be a liar..

Most politicians lie, not always but they do, and most people know that. Getting elected by all means necessary.
And I'm not the kind of guy to just walk aroung and preach about how bad every politician is. I'm used to it, but you never have any choice. You can just vote for the guy who seems to follow what he promised, who seems to go the right course. In the end all of us, the people, we don't know anything.
I wouldn't go as far as Sizzle, saying the fed is behind american politics, but what do we know ? At the time of us voting, nothing for certain. 

yall know about the muslim brotherhood becomming allies with Russia?
Yall know about the leader of the muslim brotherhood stating that Russia will make their fight with Isreal even?
Yall know about the Russian sups off the coast of Egypt?
Yall know what a war in Isreal would mean?
Yall know our economy is being propped up by foreigners till after the election to try to help Obama? 

all are facts that you can see vids of online... most people just listen to CNN or Fox to get their info though

Not sure what this has to do with the topic haha
I do think no one can predict the impact of a war in Israel, too much tension around it

And we have the same problem in Germany, everyone just watching the mainstream mass media that tries to tell you what's going on in the world in 10 minutes, then spending 10 more minutes on sports..
Let's not drift off topic though haha

B-B-BucKetHe4D !

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:16pm
Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
Bush was a **** president and Obama is the only president that can make Bush look like a genius for what he did in 2002. However, Bush is not running for office. This president has been absolutely horrible. Please name one thing he has done which has been good for the country? Anything.
I am confused as to why this preisdent has blanket love on his side. His record has been garbage and everyone seems to want to justify what he's done as good. He is tanking this country. Ask the executives of this country what they think of Obama's policies. They will overwhelmingly state that their businesses are dying from the regulations and policies this president has pushed.


Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:18pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
Bush was a **** president and Obama is the only president that can make Bush look like a genius for what he did in 2002. However, Bush is not running for office. This president has been absolutely horrible. Please name one thing he has done which has been good for the country? Anything.

He kissed his wife on the kiss cam at a Wizards game


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:20pm
Originally posted by -DaGoN-

Originally posted by SIZZLE

these 2 are BOTH just politicol puppets... they will say anything... its what politicians do
I was kind of surprised at Pinn calling Obama out to be a liar..

Most politicians lie, not always but they do, and most people know that. Getting elected by all means necessary.
And I'm not the kind of guy to just walk aroung and preach about how bad every politician is. I'm used to it, but you never have any choice. You can just vote for the guy who seems to follow what he promised, who seems to go the right course. In the end all of us, the people, we don't know anything.
I wouldn't go as far as Sizzle, saying the fed is behind american politics, but what do we know ? At the time of us voting, nothing for certain. 

yall know about the muslim brotherhood becomming allies with Russia?
Yall know about the leader of the muslim brotherhood stating that Russia will make their fight with Isreal even?
Yall know about the Russian sups off the coast of Egypt?
Yall know what a war in Isreal would mean?
Yall know our economy is being propped up by foreigners till after the election to try to help Obama? 

all are facts that you can see vids of online... most people just listen to CNN or Fox to get their info though

Not sure what this has to do with the topic haha
I do think no one can predict the impact of a war in Israel, too much tension around it

And we have the same problem in Germany, everyone just watching the mainstream mass media that tries to tell you what's going on in the world in 10 minutes, then spending 10 more minutes on sports..
Let's not drift off topic though haha
Dagon, I am neither democrat nor republican, but I call it as I see it. I am not advocating for Romney as he's got his own problems, but Obama is by far and away the worst president this country has seen.


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:25pm
Originally posted by YINYANG

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
Bush was a **** president and Obama is the only president that can make Bush look like a genius for what he did in 2002. However, Bush is not running for office. This president has been absolutely horrible. Please name one thing he has done which has been good for the country? Anything.

He kissed his wife on the kiss cam at a Wizards game
I love you Yangin!


Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:32pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
Bush was a **** president and Obama is the only president that can make Bush look like a genius for what he did in 2002. However, Bush is not running for office. This president has been absolutely horrible. Please name one thing he has done which has been good for the country? Anything.
I am confused as to why this preisdent has blanket love on his side. His record has been garbage and everyone seems to want to justify what he's done as good. He is tanking this country. Ask the executives of this country what they think of Obama's policies. They will overwhelmingly state that their businesses are dying from the regulations and policies this president has pushed.

Maybe you should do some research instead of trying to find all the bad things like many others and you'll get the answers you seek. Here's a website for you This is the last thing i'm gonna post about this just get tired of people who make uneducated ignorant comments to try to be rude. Like I said earlier political debates go nowhere thats why I usually don't say


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 5:53pm
Irrelevant. If you want facts don't use a political website as your source.

Posted By: Do_OR_Die_815_
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 6:07pm
Obama >

Posted By: -DaGoN-
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 6:10pm
Haha no King, political debates don't go anywhere, just like religion debates (we had that), but I for one still like them, to see how others think about it, it also helps yourself to see how you really think about it, where the differences lie you know

B-B-BucKetHe4D !

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2012 at 6:25pm
Obama will lose this election 4 sure... there just aren't enough socialists, communists, muslims and Progressives in America to save him from losing... Romney will get enough wemon and independants to win

i don't think Obama still wants the job anyway... he has serious golfing to do     

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 12:08am
Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by THE_KING_ETERNAL

Obama is not the worst president pinnacle and to be honest republicans in congress seem to have a inability to see the wrong in what they do. Republicans will mess the country up and suddenly have amnesia and the republicans that vote for them suffer from the same thing. When Bush messed the country up and put us in all that debt what happened? They waited for Obama to get into office so that when the economy didn't turn completely around they would have someone to blame. Mccain didn't even want Bushes endorsement because he was so terrible. Mitt Romney doesn't have a clue on what it means to have to struggle and have nothing despite working really hard, and because of this I don't believe he can sympathize and effectively help the people that really need to be helped. This obviously showed by the taped that leaked out with him criticizing 47% of Americans stating that they don't work hard and are dependent on the government. I believe that Obama's healthcare plan will help a lot of people and it has already, and as for jobs unemployment has went down since he has been in office its under 8% now, but its just not where everyone wants it. Obama may have dodged a few question even though I haven't really notice it because from what I've seen he's laid out what his plans are and has done so numerous times unlike Romney. Oh and if you watch the news Pinnacle they even went through each thing both candidates said during the debate and a majority of what Romney has said was a lie.
Bush was a **** president and Obama is the only president that can make Bush look like a genius for what he did in 2002. However, Bush is not running for office. This president has been absolutely horrible. Please name one thing he has done which has been good for the country? Anything.
I am confused as to why this preisdent has blanket love on his side. His record has been garbage and everyone seems to want to justify what he's done as good. He is tanking this country. Ask the executives of this country what they think of Obama's policies. They will overwhelmingly state that their businesses are dying from the regulations and policies this president has pushed.

Maybe you should do some research instead of trying to find all the bad things like many others and you'll get the answers you seek. Here's a website for you This is the last thing i'm gonna post about this just get tired of people who make uneducated ignorant comments to try to be rude. Like I said earlier political debates go nowhere thats why I usually don't say
Yea I'm starting to get to that point. Pin is starting to pi ss me off with that bs even though I am cool with this man.
@Dagon, yes you are right. in the end, we believe what we believe because everything they tell us is not true and not the whole truth.

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 12:23am
So none of you have touched base on what will get your country out of the ****ter. Both candidates still have a tough road ahead after one of them gets elected. Its about time your country stopped worrying about elephants and donkeys and hire some REAL ADVISORS and get your country back in the loop. As a Canadian I can honestly say we depend on America kicking ass, but not in the war department but in the economical sense. 

Bill Clinton for President until he dies!


Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 12:29am
Obama is a horrible president. Our dollar is being Destroyed. Why do you think gold is worth so much on the stock market and silver is coming up aswell. It's all the hand outs to people who don't want to work or atleast better themselves that is killing this country. We print more money to cover this **** and as a result we kill our currency. A bunch of lazy ass mofos that fall on their asses and call on mommy and daddy to bail them out of life. The refusal to grow up and accept the consequences for their actions. And Obama supports this so that's where I stand. There has to be winners and losers, rich and poor, without this our country fails.


Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 12:34am
I have to agree with pinn. Btw don't tax the rich, They are the ones that employ your minimum wage ass:) it would be like biting the hand that feeds you. Don't even get me started on the free healthcare that you have to pay for or you get fined :/ that's worse then the Canadian healthcare.


Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 7:42am
Originally posted by YINYANG

So none of you have touched base on what will get your country out of the ****ter. Both candidates still have a tough road ahead after one of them gets elected. Its about time your country stopped worrying about elephants and donkeys and hire some REAL ADVISORS and get your country back in the loop. As a Canadian I can honestly say we depend on America kicking ass, but not in the war department but in the economical sense. 

Bill Clinton for President until he dies!

Ying for president!!!


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 9:59am
Canada. Our 51st state!

Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 10:41am
Obama is the equivalent of jimmy carter, hands down, the two worst presidents ever. And Clinton is in third. He didn't do anything good for this country but everyone rides his d*** because he got high one time and committed adultery. I don't get it, these are the values that my generation was influenced by and has ruined them. This country was founded on GOD and that's where we need to turn for help. Not who has the better tv commercials.


Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 10:44am
Maybe the Canadians can touch on how "great" their "free" health care is......and that lame ass metric system ;) hey feh can I have my tax dollars back that sent you to school until they teach you how to spell :) jk most of the kids that go to college don't even know what they wanna be when they grow up. How many still live at home because there's no jobs available for their new skills I paid for?


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 11:18am
@Ying... in reality the debt is about 22 trillion and growing fast... the dollar is losing value even faster... what i never hear any of them say is that the tax dollars are also losing value, so they would need alot more tax dollars to maintain the HUGE government that they have created... which isn't even going to be possible with the way they are devalue'ing the dollar by printing more money

its not just payroll and benefits to all government employees... its all the supply's needed for each program... no government programs or jobs earn a single penny... they all rely on tax dollars for EVERYTHING

it would take MAJOR government cuts to even scratch the debt at this point... none of them wants to be the one's to do it though, because it wont be very popular with the ones that are counting on that government money, because their voters... it has to be done though and done fast before a collapse happens

i personally think it mat be too late... i think a collapse could happen within the next 6 months leading to a depressing, because of inflation caused mainly by the debt, but also by the huge government that they have created

if the US econony collapses then the rest of they worlds economy's will most likely collapse also, so you should be concerned Ying   

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 11:37am
Agree with Sizzle.  Ant-America you say?  One world bank you say?  NWO I say!!!

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 1:02pm
I think the dutch economy is also still getting a bit worse?
Surely worldwide economy still getting this much worse isn't to blame on just the american president? :P
I've not studied politics or economics and don't follow american politics so I don't know if he's good or bad at it, but Obama didn't pick the easiest of times to be a president

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 1:18pm
Obama has shut down most of our oil field and subbed it out to brazil. So billions of dollars are going to other countries when we could be making the money ourselves. We provide commodities to the rest of the world as well so if we take a hit you better believe other places around the globe will feel it. But good news is there was once water on mars so all we need is Internet and fast food and we're good to go.;)


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 1:25pm
Originally posted by Iuckshot

I think the dutch economy is also still getting a bit worse?
Surely worldwide economy still getting a bit worse isn't to blame on just the american president? :P
I've not studied politics and don't follow american politics so I don't know if he's good or bad at it, but Obama didn't pick the easiest of times to be a president
Drokun, let me break this down as simply as possible for you to understand what is going on in America. Our Government does not have the money to sustain itself. There are two options at this point. Cut spending and/or increase revenues through taxes, since the economy is not producing. The economy is solely dependant on the fact that people will spend money and through every microtransaction, the government gets tax revenue. People only spend money when they actually have money in their pocket.
So let me tell you what this President's solution has been - raise spending. Please tell me how this solves our problems? On top of that, in order to sustain the added spending, he wants to raise taxes on everyone. Anyone that says otherwise just doesn't get how the taxes work. Therefore, people will have less money. People will spend less, which means our economy will start to recede, thus bringing in less revenue to the Government. As a result, the Government, in order to sustain itself, will have to raise taxes again, and again, and again. Do you see the fundamental problem?  
In addition to the fundamental problem this President's policy has created, the amount of debt he has accumulated ($6 trillion in 4 years) has been unsustainable even for borrowing from China (who own 8% of America) and Russia (who own 7% of America). Therefore, our Federal Reserve Bank (not really a bank) has been forced to print money to cover costs. Well, when you print more money, the value of the dollar goes down significantly. As a result, people have to pay a lot more for something that cost them a lot less before. Therefore, they again have less money in their pockets to spend in order to stimulate the economy.
All of this can be avoided by two simple functions. Keep taxes at the levels they are now (in order to create consistent expectations) and cut spending. This consistency will allow people to save money and budget their purchases. It will be consistent so they will know that their income next year will be the same as it is this year. And yes, some entitlements will have to go, simply because we cannot afford them at this time. The biggest being the "Affordable Health Care Act", which is a mandatory tax on people who do not have health insurance. In addition to the people paying for it out of their own pocket, it's going to cost our government an additional $2 trillion in 10 years to keep the program alive. Please tell me how this makes any sense?
P.S. To King and Feh, I appreciate the kind words. Call me uneducated all you want, however, I have a J.D. from USC and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson School of Management. Additionally, I'm a tax attorney. So I may be uneducated, but the company I work for counts on me to understand the fundamental of economics in order to make sure our clients money is handled properly. And everything this administration has done has directly impacted everyone in my industry, our clients, and their employees, including the US Government who is our customer. So let's keep this up.


Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 2:18pm
Well pinn I completely agree with you across the board. Common sense isn't so common :)


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 2:50pm
why is it that the fed is keeping interest rates where they are? so people don't choose savings accounts over investing... people used to save money and make money off the interest, but without an interest rate people can't make any money off of interest so they invest... the fed has their hands in everything... their so powerfull and secretive that the US Presedent or the US Congress can't even make them disclose their members and their workings... they are the new world order and they have been for a long time... its nothing new... the problem now is that they have finally totaly fk'd us all... not by accident either... its by design... they don't have a moral standard to abide by... they're all about power and control, and they have the power... now they want control... they're using their power to the fullest to minipulate everything so they gain control, and most people just don't have a clue

you need to check the history of the fed if you want to know who really has the power... i wish it was as simple as just electing a good Presedent, but thats just not the case... Ronald Reagon acually tried, and some Congress members have also tried, but their just too powerfull, so debating about who would be the best Presedent is useless unless one of them intends to go after the fed, and i can guarantee you that neither of them intend to do that even lthough that is the #1 thing that needs to happen

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 3:07pm
I agree sizz the intrest on a 2 yr cd is only at 1.5% and that's pathetic. 4 years ago I was locked in at 5.59% on a 2yr cd but I let it lapse and was getting so much flak From the IRS it wasn't worth me keeping the money there.


Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 6:13pm
Originally posted by drdeath2point0

Maybe the Canadians can touch on how "great" their "free" health care is......and that lame ass metric system ;) hey feh can I have my tax dollars back that sent you to school until they teach you how to spell :) jk most of the kids that go to college don't even know what they wanna be when they grow up. How many still live at home because there's no jobs available for their new skills I paid for?
I pay taxes too reta rd.
I'm just here to read what you guys have to say. I'm done replying to some of the ignorant post.

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 6:26pm
Out of curiosity Pin and this is no attack on you or anything but why do you think increase taxing the wealthy is a bad idea? 


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 6:48pm
Originally posted by JPINATOR

Out of curiosity Pin and this is no attack on you or anything but why do you think increase taxing the wealthy is a bad idea? 
Because rich people spend money. The more money in their pocket, the more they are willing to spend. The more they spend, the more money is out in the free market. Also, rich people tend to hire people to work for them. The more money in their pocket, the more likely it is that they hire people. And when they have a lot of money, they tend to go after talent. In order to lure talent, they provide higher pay and more benefits, etc. etc. etc. Taxing the rich more won't even make dent in our debt. Therefore it's a lose/lose proposition. Would you rather the money stay in the free market, i.e. in people's hands, or as taxes, in the government's hands.
A prime example is the corporate tax rates. Since Obama wants to raise it, employers are NOT HIRING since they won't have as much to spend. Pretty simple really.


Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 6:50pm
I think it's cause rich people will spend the money and can also create jobs

EDIT- I got ninja'd


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 6:51pm
Originally posted by FehtalaTee

Originally posted by drdeath2point0

Maybe the Canadians can touch on how "great" their "free" health care is......and that lame ass metric system ;) hey feh can I have my tax dollars back that sent you to school until they teach you how to spell :) jk most of the kids that go to college don't even know what they wanna be when they grow up. How many still live at home because there's no jobs available for their new skills I paid for?
I pay taxes too reta rd.
I'm just here to read what you guys have to say. I'm done replying to some of the ignorant post.
Saying something is ignorant without providing facts is in and of itself ignorant. I'm all for a good conversation, so bring some facts to the table and let's discuss.


Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 7:26pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Would you rather the money stay in the free market, i.e. in people's hands, or as taxes, in the government's hands.

You had me at hello.... you had me.... at .... hello


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 7:29pm

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 8:27pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by JPINATOR

Out of curiosity Pin and this is no attack on you or anything but why do you think increase taxing the wealthy is a bad idea? 
Because rich people spend money. The more money in their pocket, the more they are willing to spend. The more they spend, the more money is out in the free market. Also, rich people tend to hire people to work for them. The more money in their pocket, the more likely it is that they hire people. And when they have a lot of money, they tend to go after talent. In order to lure talent, they provide higher pay and more benefits, etc. etc. etc. Taxing the rich more won't even make dent in our debt. Therefore it's a lose/lose proposition. Would you rather the money stay in the free market, i.e. in people's hands, or as taxes, in the government's hands.
A prime example is the corporate tax rates. Since Obama wants to raise it, employers are NOT HIRING since they won't have as much to spend. Pretty simple really.

Ordinarily, I stay out of discussions like this.  Pinnacle is exactly right.  This is Econ 101.

Many businesses actually have cash on hand, but are not hiring because the Government has made it abundantly clear that taxes are going up for Corporations.  We're scared to death.  Since VP Biden is running around declaring that they want $1 Trillion in taxes from businesses and the wealthy, nobody in their right mind will risk their resources in payroll or product development because they have no idea what their future tax bill is going to be.  Everyone has shifted to JIT for product delivery because they don't want their cash tied up in stock.

As an aside; $1 trillion dollars looks like this: it represents $1,000 for every single human being that has lived and died in the past 2,000 years.  This is not a small number.  The U.S. Debt stands at $4,500 for every person who has lived and died in the past 2,000 years.  I'm surprised people still lend us money.

Don't kid yourself about who the liberals consider "wealthy".  While they bash millionaires for achieving the American dream, they have stated that they are going after households making $250k or more.  Those are not millionaires.

I have never been hired by a poor person.  It's just the truth.  I have hired plenty of poor people and have paid them a fair wage for their labor though.  If we tax the wealthy out of existence, who is going to hire you?  Why do we say "work hard to achieve the American dream" and then vilify everyone who actually does?  Better yet, why do we purchase the goods and services of these companies and then get pissed when they make a profit?

Check this out:  The liberals say that the rich need to pay more and that we're all in the same boat.  See if you can follow this logic...

  • We're all in the same boat and there are 100 people per boat.
  • 2 people row that boat for 7 out of every 10 hours
  • 47 of the people will not row at all
  • 51 people will split the remaining 3 out of every 10 hours between them.  This means they will each row for a total of 3.5 minutes every 10 hours.
  • The 2 people rowing for 7 out of 10 hours have this workload because they provided the boat.

That's our CURRENT tax system in America.  And those 2 people that are rowing for 7 out of every 10 hours are not doing enough?  Seriously?  They should row even more?

We don't have a revenue problem.  We have a bad spending habit.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 9:48pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by FehtalaTee

Originally posted by drdeath2point0

Maybe the Canadians can touch on how "great" their "free" health care is......and that lame ass metric system ;) hey feh can I have my tax dollars back that sent you to school until they teach you how to spell :) jk most of the kids that go to college don't even know what they wanna be when they grow up. How many still live at home because there's no jobs available for their new skills I paid for?
I pay taxes too reta rd.
I'm just here to read what you guys have to say. I'm done replying to some of the ignorant post.
Saying something is ignorant without providing facts is in and of itself ignorant. I'm all for a good conversation, so bring some facts to the table and let's discuss.
I wasn't calling you out Pin

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 9:56pm
Originally posted by Aquaknot

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by JPINATOR

Out of curiosity Pin and this is no attack on you or anything but why do you think increase taxing the wealthy is a bad idea? 
Because rich people spend money. The more money in their pocket, the more they are willing to spend. The more they spend, the more money is out in the free market. Also, rich people tend to hire people to work for them. The more money in their pocket, the more likely it is that they hire people. And when they have a lot of money, they tend to go after talent. In order to lure talent, they provide higher pay and more benefits, etc. etc. etc. Taxing the rich more won't even make dent in our debt. Therefore it's a lose/lose proposition. Would you rather the money stay in the free market, i.e. in people's hands, or as taxes, in the government's hands.
A prime example is the corporate tax rates. Since Obama wants to raise it, employers are NOT HIRING since they won't have as much to spend. Pretty simple really.

Ordinarily, I stay out of discussions like this.  Pinnacle is exactly right.  This is Econ 101.

Many businesses actually have cash on hand, but are not hiring because the Government has made it abundantly clear that taxes are going up for Corporations.  We're scared to death.  Since VP Biden is running around declaring that they want $1 Trillion in taxes from businesses and the wealthy, nobody in their right mind will risk their resources in payroll or product development because they have no idea what their future tax bill is going to be.  Everyone has shifted to JIT for product delivery because they don't want their cash tied up in stock.

As an aside; $1 trillion dollars looks like this: it represents $1,000 for every single human being that has lived and died in the past 2,000 years.  This is not a small number.  The U.S. Debt stands at $4,500 for every person who has lived and died in the past 2,000 years.  I'm surprised people still lend us money.

Don't kid yourself about who the liberals consider "wealthy".  While they bash millionaires for achieving the American dream, they have stated that they are going after households making $250k or more.  Those are not millionaires.

I have never been hired by a poor person.  It's just the truth.  I have hired plenty of poor people and have paid them a fair wage for their labor though.  If we tax the wealthy out of existence, who is going to hire you?  Why do we say "work hard to achieve the American dream" and then vilify everyone who actually does?  Better yet, why do we purchase the goods and services of these companies and then get pissed when they make a profit?

Check this out:  The liberals say that the rich need to pay more and that we're all in the same boat.  See if you can follow this logic...

  • We're all in the same boat and there are 100 people per boat.
  • 2 people row that boat for 7 out of every 10 hours
  • 47 of the people will not row at all
  • 51 people will split the remaining 3 out of every 10 hours between them.  This means they will each row for a total of 3.5 minutes every 10 hours.
  • The 2 people rowing for 7 out of 10 hours have this workload because they provided the boat.

That's our CURRENT tax system in America.  And those 2 people that are rowing for 7 out of every 10 hours are not doing enough?  Seriously?  They should row even more?

We don't have a revenue problem.  We have a bad spending habit.
respect to you for this post.
I get it, now I see where people are coming from when they they vote for Mitt.
Aqua, tell me the difference between, Mitt and Bush.

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2012 at 11:34pm
You know that **** just got real once Aqua showed up!


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 8:56am
Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 10:02am
Originally posted by FehtalaTee

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by FehtalaTee

Originally posted by drdeath2point0

Maybe the Canadians can touch on how "great" their "free" health care is......and that lame ass metric system ;) hey feh can I have my tax dollars back that sent you to school until they teach you how to spell :) jk most of the kids that go to college don't even know what they wanna be when they grow up. How many still live at home because there's no jobs available for their new skills I paid for?
I pay taxes too reta rd.

I'm just here to read what you guys have to say. I'm done replying to some of the ignorant post.


Saying something is ignorant without providing facts is in and of itself ignorant. I'm all for a good conversation, so bring some facts to the table and let's discuss.
I wasn't calling you out Pin

So you calling me out feh? Really : /


Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 10:47am
Originally posted by FehtalaTee

Aqua, tell me the difference between, Mitt and Bush.

  • One is from Texas and one is from Michigan
  • One has been President and one has not
  • One is an evangelical Christian and one is a Mormon
  • One is a successful businessman and one is a wildly successful businessman
  • One admits when he is wrong, one does not
  • One struggles with the truth, one does not

I am not an apologist for Bush.  Neither am I particularly fond of Romney.  I did find it interesting that Romney broke an Allen Edmonds off in Obama's backside the other night though.

Given where our current economy is and our standing in the world today, I would vote for a used tissue before I would reelect the current President.

We have so many people in this country that think the wealthy have ripped them off somehow and they want the government to take something from the wealthy and give it to them.

Compared to most of the world, the poorest person in America is rich when compared to the global standard.

Did you have clean drinking water today? = rich
Did you have access to food today? = rich
Do you have a car (even if it's a POS)? = rich
Do you own a shoe for each foot? = rich
Did you have access to emergency medical care, even if you could not pay? = rich
Did you hav the guarantee of a K-12 education? = rich
Do you have the luxury of choosing your political leaders? = rich

In America, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964; our citizens are guaranteed equal opportunity, not equal results.

I have been homeless, hungry and half naked.  I have stayed in my car and on my brother's couch.  I slept on the floor in my first apartment.  I've done meaningless and disgusting jobs.  I've been poor and I have been rich.  It was up to me though, regarding how far or successful I would become in life.  The government hasn't done a single thing for me except make it very difficult to succeed.

Choose wisely, but definitely choose and be heard on election day no matter who your candidate is.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:10am
yall might want to check out infowars on youtube... there are different vids covering different subjects... most of their info is accurate... you can ignore their opinion if you don't agree with it, and just focus on the info

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 3:26pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by Iuckshot

I think the dutch economy is also still getting a bit worse?
Surely worldwide economy still getting a bit worse isn't to blame on just the american president? :P
I've not studied politics and don't follow american politics so I don't know if he's good or bad at it, but Obama didn't pick the easiest of times to be a president
Drokun, let me break this down as simply as possible for you to understand what is going on in America. Our Government does not have the money to sustain itself. There are two options at this point. Cut spending and/or increase revenues through taxes, since the economy is not producing. The economy is solely dependant on the fact that people will spend money and through every microtransaction, the government gets tax revenue. People only spend money when they actually have money in their pocket.
So let me tell you what this President's solution has been - raise spending. Please tell me how this solves our problems? On top of that, in order to sustain the added spending, he wants to raise taxes on everyone. Anyone that says otherwise just doesn't get how the taxes work. Therefore, people will have less money. People will spend less, which means our economy will start to recede, thus bringing in less revenue to the Government. As a result, the Government, in order to sustain itself, will have to raise taxes again, and again, and again. Do you see the fundamental problem?  
In addition to the fundamental problem this President's policy has created, the amount of debt he has accumulated ($6 trillion in 4 years) has been unsustainable even for borrowing from China (who own 8% of America) and Russia (who own 7% of America). Therefore, our Federal Reserve Bank (not really a bank) has been forced to print money to cover costs. Well, when you print more money, the value of the dollar goes down significantly. As a result, people have to pay a lot more for something that cost them a lot less before. Therefore, they again have less money in their pockets to spend in order to stimulate the economy.
All of this can be avoided by two simple functions. Keep taxes at the levels they are now (in order to create consistent expectations) and cut spending. This consistency will allow people to save money and budget their purchases. It will be consistent so they will know that their income next year will be the same as it is this year. And yes, some entitlements will have to go, simply because we cannot afford them at this time. The biggest being the "Affordable Health Care Act", which is a mandatory tax on people who do not have health insurance. In addition to the people paying for it out of their own pocket, it's going to cost our government an additional $2 trillion in 10 years to keep the program alive. Please tell me how this makes any sense?
P.S. To King and Feh, I appreciate the kind words. Call me uneducated all you want, however, I have a J.D. from USC and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson School of Management. Additionally, I'm a tax attorney. So I may be uneducated, but the company I work for counts on me to understand the fundamental of economics in order to make sure our clients money is handled properly. And everything this administration has done has directly impacted everyone in my industry, our clients, and their employees, including the US Government who is our customer. So let's keep this up.

Woah, while I know that UCLA's Business Program is actually ranked higher than USC's (overall).
How the hell did you go to both schools lol?
Traitor! haha
I'm jking, I plan on following a route similar to you.

Posted By: chisox666
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:16pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency. At some point, some geniuses should be asking whether this has been done intentionally to tank America. This guys has a true resentment of capitalism. Someone should send him a book with US history. This country's foundation is pure capitalism. Without it, nothing.

This morning, I paid, for the first time ever, $5.09 per gallon of gas. Do you all know why gas is so high? It has nothing to do with oil prices. In order to pay for the debt this dumb**** has accumulated, the Federal Reserve has had to print US dollars 24/7 for the past 3 years. This has flooded the market with US dollars, thus reducing the value of our currency by 50% over the past 3 years. Therefore, commodities like gas, which cost $2.30/gallon 4 years ago, now cost over double the price. Remember, all this without the price of oil changing. Basically, anyone who was making $100K 3 years ago, if their salary is the same, they now have the same buying power today as someone who made $50K 3 years ago. All this why the cost of consumable is increasing since the US dollar is devalued into crap.
Let's take this a step further . . . the housing market. The housing market, which is one of the biggest sources of tax income to the Government is in the ****ter, not because of subprime loans, but because of the devaluation of the dollar. The Government, in order to not look like fools for making our US dollar worthless, deflected the issue blaming sub-prime mortgages. It's not like there isn't demand to purchase homes. However because everyone's money is now worth a pile of crap, they can no longer afford it. Their buying power has been crushed. So what's the solution Mr. Obama? Raise taxes (reducing personal income), limit the bank's lending abilities (preventing money from flowing to the masses), and raise costs of doing business (i.e., Affordable 'bull****" healthcare act, raising corporate tax, etc). As stated earlier, the Federal Reserve is priniting money at astronomical rates. If the free market is not getting the money, since there is no way to get it to them, where is it going? Answer: All to the US Government to run up more debt. If people don't realize that they are getting hosed by this President, they are just plainly and simply brainless.
So please, someone tell me, why the hell is anyone voting for Obama?

Pinn - Gas prices are a complicated matter. I think big business is more to blame (for gas prices) vs it being Obama's fault. The oil companies r@pe us at the pump, and the federal government allows it. Any politician who stands up against these oil behemoths (and tries to procure gas price regulation put in place) can most likely kiss their political career goodbye due to them being such damn wealthy lobbyists.

EDIT:" rel="nofollow -
The last sentence is what caught my eye.

get fragged

Misery Index - Heirs To Thievery

Posted By: chisox666
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:32pm
Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Ron Paul!

get fragged

Misery Index - Heirs To Thievery

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:51pm
Originally posted by chisox666

Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Ron Paul!
The two parties have to much sway in the media and easily overshadow him.

Posted By: chisox666
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:52pm
Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by chisox666

Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Ron Paul!
The two parties have to much sway in the media and easily overshadow him.

Yeah I know. It's nice to fantasize though!

get fragged

Misery Index - Heirs To Thievery

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2012 at 11:58pm
Originally posted by chisox666

Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by chisox666

Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Ron Paul!
The two parties have to much sway in the media and easily overshadow him.

Yeah I know. It's nice to fantasize though!
America's citizens will have to wake up.

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 12:38am
Originally posted by chisox666

Originally posted by ax412

Originally posted by BAIN

Obama has set himself up for a defeat in the upcoming election and the best that the Republicans can do is Mitt Romney? Wow that's some choice we have come November 6th. Neither of the candidates has what it takes to turn things around, IMO. We desperately need a viable third party.

Ron Paul!

Ron Paul is one of the most knowledgable people in the country... he would be better then either one of them 4 sure

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Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 9:17am
I think newt Gingrich is very smart especially in his literature but like Ron Paul he is also not media marketable..... It's a shame how much people are influenced by what they see or hear on tv.


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 11:43am
there should be a voting test, so people that don't know sh!t can't vote... then there would probably only be about 10,000 total voters :)

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 12:57pm
Originally posted by SIZZLE

there should be a voting test, so people that don't know sh!t can't vote... then there would probably only be about 10,000 total voters :)

there should be a lot of tests. allowed on the internet test, allowed to have children test, allowed to have pets test, etc.

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 1:22pm

the population would drop drasticaly real quick like BAIN :)

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 5:12pm
Originally posted by BAIN

Originally posted by SIZZLE

there should be a voting test, so people that don't know sh!t can't vote... then there would probably only be about 10,000 total voters :)

there should be a lot of tests. allowed on the internet test, allowed to have children test, allowed to have pets test, etc.

Bain 2012!!!


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 6:24pm
liberals hanging all their hopes on Big Bird? REALLY? lmfao

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Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 6:50pm
Ron Paul is corndog. He has the weirdest ideas and sounds like a mentally challenged person trying to explain everything. He also sounds like he's about to cry at any given moment.


Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 7:35pm
mmmmm corndogs


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2012 at 8:09pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Ron Paul is corndog. He has the weirdest ideas and sounds like a mentally challenged person trying to explain everything. He also sounds like he's about to cry at any given moment.

weirdest ideas? pffff... he knows more about the **** then Clinton, Bush, Obama and Romney combined

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Posted By: FehtalaTee
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 2:00am
JP get the hell out lol

Me and Penguins about to go HAAAAAM!!

Posted By: Sk-iller
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 7:53am
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency.
Bull sh!t. The world economy crashed while Bush was in power, i suppose u can blame Obama for that too? Yeah thats right he took you to war, tripled your debt and blew up the twin towers. You know I heard Obama cruified Jesus as well. Obama came after the WORLD ecomony was f***ed not before. Bush f***ed the world not Obama.
Either way the world economic crash is all on the Americans and if Rommeny takes power there is no hope for you, what little allies you have left will abandon you and then your government will do the same. Simple choice Peace or War.


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 8:26am
Have any of you seen that movie Obama's America: 2016?  We saw it about a month ago and at the end when the credits began to roll a man stood up and started singing God Bless America...every single person in the movie theater stood up and joined him.
If you all want any more reasons to NOT vote for Obama then go see this movie.

Do you realize that in about forty years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tatoos and pierced navels? O.o

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 11:02am
Originally posted by Sk-iller

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency.
Bull sh!t. The world economy crashed while Bush was in power, i suppose u can blame Obama for that too? Yeah thats right he took you to war, tripled your debt and blew up the twin towers. You know I heard Obama cruified Jesus as well. Obama came after the WORLD ecomony was f***ed not before. Bush f***ed the world not Obama.
Either way the world economic crash is all on the Americans and if Rommeny takes power there is no hope for you, what little allies you have left will abandon you and then your government will do the same. Simple choice Peace or War.
Skilller, come live in America for a year and validate what you are saying. There is one thing inheriting something bad, but the goal is to make it better, not worse. We are worse off over the past 4 years than previously. The issue isn't simply the past 4 eyars. It's that Obama's policies screw us big time in the future. That is the big problem. I'm not going to justify Bush's presidency, since it's a bit more complex than it's led on to believe. I'm looking into the future and it does not look bright. I'd rather go with a person that understands revenues and PnL. Not someone that wants to take money from one and give to another.
As for allies, we have lost a majority of them since Obama has been in office. His foreign policy is a total failure.


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 11:32am
Majority of allies lost?
Who are they?
(I am no Obama supporter) But what are Mitt's policies?
And Pinnacle we live in California so our situation is a tardar bit worse, because we had The Terminaron as president, and he was HORRIBLE. 
YES ON PROP. 30 :)

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 11:58am
you have no idea who the fed is and how they operate, or you wouldn't make such uninformed statements Skiller

ANYONE can start back at the beginning of the history of the fed, and research them from then till now, but not many people do, because its easier to just pick a side after watching the bullsh1t media outlets that get paid to decieve people

i personally don't trust Obama or Romney, because they both may just be puppets of the fed... sound crazy? not really once you realise just how powerful and organized the fed acually is

the fed has no party, no borders. no country, no moral standard, no GOD, and all the power in the world

knowing all of that would scare the hell out of me if i didn't have GOD and eternal life in heaven to look forward to by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior :)


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Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 11:59am" rel="nofollow -  - Have at it. It's all there
Are you really saying yes on Prop 30? Don't we already pay enough taxes to California? We have the highest state taxs of any state in our nation. Thousands of companies a year are leaving this state because of high taxes. Perhaps incentivizing people to come to California would be a better way to raise revenue.


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 12:00pm
Originally posted by SIZZLE

you have no idea who the fed is and how they operate, or you wouldn't make such uninformed statements Skiller

ANYONE can start back at the beginning of the history of the fed, and research them from then till now, but not many people do, because its easier to just pick a side after watching the bullsh1t media outlets that get paid to decieve people

i personally don't trust Obama or Romney, because they both may just be puppets of the fed... sound crazy? not really once you realise just how powerful and organized the fed acually is

the fed has no party, no borders. no country, no moral standard, no GOD, and all the power in the world

knowing all of that would scare the hell out of me if i didn't have GOD and eternal life in heaven to look forward to by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior :) 

Sizzle, the Federal Reserve is not all evil. It actually serves a generally good purpose. You are really wrapped up around the whole Fed thing. I find it amusing.


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 12:39pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle" rel="nofollow -  - Have at it. It's all there
Are you really saying yes on Prop 30? Don't we already pay enough taxes to California? We have the highest state taxs of any state in our nation. Thousands of companies a year are leaving this state because of high taxes. Perhaps incentivizing people to come to California would be a better way to raise revenue.
Tax is relative to the income. (in a particular sense)
The CC system in California is in trouble. 
Besides I'm sure you and the majority of high earners know the legal ways of having Uncle Sam taking less.
If your heart is set on the long term than you know educación has to succeed. (Sorry for typos I'm have Spanish autocorrect)
The truth is, no two economists will agree, what you say is terrible for América, another might argue the opposite.

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 12:45pm
Originally posted by Sk-iller

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Obama has single handedly destroyed the US economy and currency.
Bull sh!t. The world economy crashed while Bush was in power, i suppose u can blame Obama for that too? Yeah thats right he took you to war, tripled your debt and blew up the twin towers. You know I heard Obama cruified Jesus as well. Obama came after the WORLD ecomony was f***ed not before. Bush f***ed the world not Obama.
Either way the world economic crash is all on the Americans and if Rommeny takes power there is no hope for you, what little allies you have left will abandon you and then your government will do the same. Simple choice Peace or War.
the housing debacle began with Clinton. the Wall Street **** and pillage began with Clinton. the sellout to China was signed by Clinton. Bush could have done something but didn't. Both parties are to blame. They just don't give a **** about us.

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 1:47pm
k tell who the fed is then Pinn... tell a little about their beginning... tell a little about their history around the world

i've known the fed is behind sh1t for a long time now Pinn... you can just accept the same left vs right bs that pretty much everyone else does if you like though... Fox, CNN and MSNBC are making a fortune off this same left vs right bs, while the fed is rayping the world of its wealth, and causing ararchy all over the world to further their agenda, but it doesn't do any good to tell people that, because people think they acually know whats going on just by watching the same cable news that makes a fortune by keeping this left vs right bs going

left vs right
white vs black, hispanic, and everyone else
secure the border vs amnesty
man vs woman
rich vs poor
educated vs uneducated
east vs west
government vs pritate sector
Roe vs Wade
war vs peace

and now finally

Sesame Street vs Wallstreet <<<<< really? the leader of the free world is really using sesame street to try to get re-elected with all the sh1t wrong in this country, and only 1 month to go before the election? hope and change has been reduced to big bird jokes now?

the sad thing is there are some dumb ass people that will eat that sh1t up, and still vote for Obama... i'm not one of them though... i'll vote for Romney just to get rid of Obama, and hope that he's not just another fed politicol puppet, and that there will be some change for the better

i wont be holding my breath though   


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Posted By: drdeath2point0
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2012 at 3:54pm
I personally think oil company's have a big say-so....we only drill a small portion of the gulf of Mexico


Posted By: chisox666
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2012 at 12:08pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Originally posted by SIZZLE

you have no idea who the fed is and how they operate, or you wouldn't make such uninformed statements Skiller

ANYONE can start back at the beginning of the history of the fed, and research them from then till now, but not many people do, because its easier to just pick a side after watching the bullsh1t media outlets that get paid to decieve people

i personally don't trust Obama or Romney, because they both may just be puppets of the fed... sound crazy? not really once you realise just how powerful and organized the fed acually is

the fed has no party, no borders. no country, no moral standard, no GOD, and all the power in the world

knowing all of that would scare the hell out of me if i didn't have GOD and eternal life in heaven to look forward to by accepting Jesus Christ as my savior :) 

Sizzle, the Federal Reserve is not all evil. It actually serves a generally good purpose. You are really wrapped up around the whole Fed thing. I find it amusing.

I think Sizzle is on the right track but is using the wrong word. Big Business is what really runs this country and pulls the strings behind the politics. Not all the strings, just most of them. A perfect example is the 2008 bailout of the investment banks. It wasn't Obama that created and passed the (with no gov't oversight!) bailout through Congress, it was crooked a$$ Henry Paulson and Goldman Sachs (aka big business). 

get fragged

Misery Index - Heirs To Thievery

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2012 at 12:27pm
This all began with Clinton. Reagan tried to deregulate the banks but got stopped by congress. Clinton noticed how Wall Street gave massive donations to the Republican party. He asked some of the Wall Street powers how the Democrats could get some support. They told him by deregulating the banks. He did it and got their support. Bush did nothing to stop the pillaging. Again, both parties at fault. They pit us against each other and make us enemies. They are the enemies.

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2012 at 12:44pm
naw Chisox... the fed is just the rich bankers that just set the interest rate and guarantee a reserve as far as the uninformed knows... their much more then that though... anyone that does enough research into who they are, and what their about learns real quick how fk'd up they are, and how much money, power and influence they have

who you think drummed up the crisis of 08?
who do you think told Henry Paulson what to do? who do you think is telling Ben Bernanky what to do?
who do you think Goldman Sachs is ownd by?
who do you think runs Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

the fed/world bank/world order


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