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Get to Know a UT3 Player - Danjel8

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Player Interviews
Forum Discription: Inside the mind of a UT3 player
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Topic: Get to Know a UT3 Player - Danjel8
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Get to Know a UT3 Player - Danjel8
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 5:53pm

Welcome everyone to the Get to Know a UT3 Player. I am your host JPINATOR.  This next player is not only known for his comical phrases or hilarious stories, he is known for one of the top EU players in this game, Not only that but he is my official first EU player to interview! Let us go across the pond and lets find more about this player,  I would like to introduce you to Danjel8!

Let’s get the basic information down! What is your:

Age - 24
Sex - Once a year

Location - Birmingham, England

Real Name - Daniel the 8th :) People who know me really will understand this!

When you’re not talking about our crappy American servers and lag, what else do you do outside of ut3?

Weekdays I work 9-5 now at Birmingham City University... however outside of work I enjoy keeping fit. I go to the gym 4 times a week and soon I'm going to be going 6 times a week. Since I was a young lad my dad has always had me interested in football (soccer) so I enjoy watching that, I travel around 200 miles to watch my favorite team play.

Ok, that’s a true sports fan right there, I travel 5 feet to my TV to watch my favorite team play.

Also as a few people already know I enjoy gambling... Once I lost my whole student loan in one day! I play poker online, I've played on TV and won a few tournaments in my local casino. I also have a tendency to get really drunk and start to find not very attractive girls... well highly attractive.

I also like seeing my cousins... aged 2/4 and 8 I think it’s good for you to be close with your family. I like being around the people I love. Overall I just love having a good time, relaxing and getting a sweat on in the gym!

Anyone who has played you expects a lot from you, I know firsthand that you are great at communicating in Warfare, something that I wish more people would do but do you have any tips you would like to share to help out this community?

This is a pretty simple one. Get a mic, use the mic. You absolutely must call out specific things, if you see a flag carrier in the jump boots on suspense but think you can kill him, you should still call it out.

Learn to read maps. In warfare you can control the game from reading the map, learning about what the map represents is critical. If their prime is being attacked you know that there is a good chance their orb carrier is on the way to give you some rockets.

Jump boots - An absolute must for flag runners/defenders. You need to be versatile and you need to get away quick.

Put the timer on in game - Playing in ICN taught me the critical nature of getting or missing a redeemer... you gotta be on that because it’s a game changer if used right.

Walk around with longbows.

Work as a team, try to be cheeky and do obvious stuff like picking flag carriers up with vehicles directly on flags... there is absolutely no reason to never work with your team mates.

Hoverboard! Now this is a huge one, probably the reason why my K/D ratio is pretty much 1:1! Myself, coolworx, khantusion and plenty others all love our hoverboard so much. There is a time to use it and times to lose it. From what I have observed in the past players like khantusion can turn into players like coolworx when they learn when to use their hoverboard. I know it’s tempting but flags aren't easy to score, you gotta put in some effort on foot first before you think about flying away.

Do you have any ways that you strategize that you would like to share?

I've normally tried to leave this down to other people, I don't mind taking over the strategy but it’s not a huge thing for me. Communication is strategy alone for me.

List some maps you like?

My favorite map is Sandstorm, I loved cracking that level with Xerxes. We found every glitch (we don't use them though), nailed every jump and found some inventive hiding spots. There is so much to that level, you can score flags in under 7 seconds so it’s key you’re always switched on.

Necropolis, Suspense, Rails, Kargo... all great maps. I like them because they are balanced and demand their attention. Necropolis is the fastest overall VCTF map for me, control midfield and its game over. Rails is cool, I don't know all the routes yet but it’s a nice big map with plenty of action.

Warfare - My best level performance wise is Avalanche. Serenity would be amazing if the spawn points were fixed. Maybe it’s boring but Downtown provides the best battles because it’s so balanced, it’s like suspense in that sense. Onyx Coast is good with even teams and actually I kinda like playing Confrontation, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. And floodgate is UNREAL! I cannot understand why it isn't played more often, I used to think it was too dark but it’s so balanced, has a great on foot v vehicle battle. Defend the floodgate or go for the kill? Interesting map.

Outside of vehicle modes: Reflection, Deck, Shangri La, Nanoblack and Sanctuary
I agree about Floodgate, I just know that if you have some good people on that map can take forever!!

What about the maps you hate?

Anything overly spammy. Sinkhole is crap. Facing worlds. Corruption. Those kinda maps, in fact they aren't even really map IMO. They are an excuse for over camping, easy killing sprees and general gimp behavior.

I'll say one thing about corruption though, give that map a shield belt and maybe some jump boots and it could be an awesome level. Guess we will never know though!

Your thoughts on the titan pack?

Don't mind it, titans when used properly and in an attack minded way play a great part in some of the most exciting games I've been in. A few tweaks and it’s a cool mod. Attacking cores with a titan is a bit crappy coz its game over in seconds.

When you get f**s going into spawn points and smashing the ground repeatedly so you actually spawn and don't get a chance to get a single shot off... well that puts me off.

But the maps are good, I like the smoother appearance of the game and 9/10 people use titans for the right reasons. Plus it was free and like crow once said to me 'Of course its worth it if its free!'

What about some dislikes about the game?

I'd say b****ing but I actually love it. It’s funny when you can take the step back and laugh at it. Needless spawn killing, when people do it intentionally over and over just to piss people off then it does wind me up.

I dislike people who can't draw a line between certain things. Team stacking is fine when you’re just chilling with friends, I mean we all bought the game to have fun right? It’s the gimps that join servers and switch to the winning team. Sorry but check out FlorianDJsmd, glitches, switches to the winning team and is a general b**** of ut3. Needless to say he gets taunted quite a bit! I think most people can take a beating now and again but if its 5-0 for 10 matches in a row, it’s probably time to switch.

I've got plenty of dislikes. But dislikes don't make for good fun or reading :(

Well said, how about listing some players you love battling against?

Warfare wise I love battling Envy, Strider, Ghost, Woolvie, Supreme_Venom, Lunar, Spag :(, JP, Zellot, Lefty, ThatsGayBoy and A****BUBLEXD. Infact buble never got half the recognition he should have, he has only been playing a short time but he really impressed me. I know players like Lunchy are awesome but I've never really got a chance to play against him!

VCTF - Well where do I start... Xxchris_cxX, DOD, Arkos and Qwest for victory are some of my earliest vctf opponents. I've learned something from each one. I might get spanked for saying this but I thought Arkos was really **** until he joined SMP... then he flipped and turned into a f***ing beast.

THE_KING_ETERNAL is a big fav. Great guy and love the taunting battles!

My closest ut3 friend is Jorgelius, the guy just has to speak and I laugh. I also love playing again all the regular EU guys. Coolworx, Sk-iller, JakeT111, Crister, ThatsGayBoy, MrKshaker, buble, Venom. You all know who you are!

I guess to love playing against some to me means that your adrenaline will be flowing. So people like QuickRC and Aimbothunter are people I love playing against because I love beating them and making them leave the server.

Despite when I come across as a complete c*** sucker I actually love playing against 95% of people playing the game. There are just a few d***s that piss me off and I'm not bothered about calling them out and helping them on their way to committing suicide.

What players have helped you achieve your stardom?

Again where to start! First of all I think I'm different to a lot of other players because I can do everything (or like to think I can). So I've picked up from people doing stuff. If I had to say 5 people that have shown me the most in this game from 1 on 1's or following them in game I'd go with.


I could list so many more names though.

As I always say, we were all noobs at one time, how was being a noob for you?

Simply amazing! Now hands up who did this. Take flag on suspense, go to jump pad, hoverboard to water and go across water. I know I did.

It was amazing because I tried adding OSC about 1,000 times because I thought he was really good! Also it was the thrill of capping a flag or even a hat trick! I probably scored them all against OSC but it still felt good.

Would I go back to being a noob? Probably not, the higher end of ut3 is much greater because of the intricacies of the skill involved. But it was still a lot of fun at the time.

I know you have some embarra**ing moments, spill them!

Well one day I press L2 to speak to my mum who was standing right by me!

I've taken a few imaginary flags in the past, fired the odd redeemer to my own base, tried to attack my own core. You name it I've probably done it.

Also when I dueled strider and I was 2-0 down, I felt pretty **** at that moment. I'd even killed myself. Overall I’d definitely say that pressing L2 to talk to my own mother was the most embarra**ing thing.

What about things that really make you laugh?

So many things! Jorge's voice when he gets angry.

The way every post coolworx does he writes



Cokkenballs and woolvie talking the piss out of me.

When I got back from working in America the first thing I heard on the mic was Lokedogg saying 'Testicles deployed' on Avalanche... that made me laugh loads.

I like hearing the wild kids that come on, give out orders, crack a few jokes and then leave.

So many good times and it’s easy to understand why people form close friendships over the game.

I’m guilty of that, call me a nerd, I don’t care!! As for a personal note, I really didn’t get to know this guy until he joined ICN, anything that I did hear about him before that, came from Lokedogg and Pinakul, and I’m sure you know the sort of information that was spread, I thought this guy was a nut but found out later that it was all just jokes and laughs! Danjel8 is another player I believe doesn’t get the respect he deserves in naming top players in this game, he helped me kick some butt in Warfare and I’m sure others on our team or in this game feel the same way too!!

I would like to thank Danjel8 for answering the questions, and you guys for reading! I believe you broke the record for the fastest response to my questions, which was awesome! We will see you next time on, Get to Know a UT3 Player!

Posted By: WOPR-1
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 6:02pm
Great interview!

....L2 to talk to your mom, lol, that is hilarious!

None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

Posted By: JakeT111
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 6:24pm
Awesome interview, one of my favourite players to be in a match with. Oh, and thanks for the mention. :D

I've also pressed the speak button (mine is right arrow though) to speak to someone in the room before, luckily it wasn't anything embarressing. :D


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 8:12pm
Superb job JP! Danjel is not only a great player but a hell of a guy also. I don't get to play with him that much anymore and I really do miss that!


Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 9:24pm
Great Job JP, who doesnt love Dan?   :) 

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 10:28pm
Danny boy, I thought QuickRC would make more of a showing in your interview. lol. Anyways, Great inteview.


Posted By: Zellous
Date Posted: 29 Jul 2009 at 10:36pm
I did that for the first time recently, pressing buttons to talk to be people in the room. I can't believe you interviewed dan though lol

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 3:22am
hey i think i showed you a few things myself...
what about those driving the orb runner, or orb running lessons i gave you =[
jk danj, <3 and great read jp =]


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 10:42am
Good interview as always, Been battling against & wit Danjel for the longest time, good ppl!


Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 11:15am
good interview jp  danjel8 solid player cool dude

"people living DEEPLY have no fear of death"- anais nin

Posted By: krzys773
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 11:18am
Nice interview danjel.Its been fun playing with you up intill today and back when bab89 was around

Nissan SiLViA
Nissan 300zx
Yamaha Yzf R6

Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 5:17pm
Originally posted by _EnVy_

hey i think i showed you a few things myself...
what about those driving the orb runner, or orb running lessons i gave you =[
jk danj, <3 and great read jp =]

Your right you have taught me a hell of a lot but without those other guys I'd still be trying to find the jump boots on suspense or still wondering how the hell you can score a flag on sandstorm in under 17 seconds.

Cheers for doing this JP! I forgot to send that horrific photo of me with that troll.... I'll try and upload it now.


Posted By: TheProdigy
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 10:36pm

Damn, "Hes a Beast!" No..
Hes a Real Life "Prodigy"">

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2009 at 10:37pm
Originally posted by TheProdigy

should just change your name to "Prod"  its funnier!

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: Dr4g0v
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2009 at 6:54am
Great players and very funny with your mic !
F*ckin noob, link gun noob !


Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2009 at 7:49am
danjel is spot on, you still need to learn how to use a translocator though XD

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: QwEsT
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2009 at 10:09am
YAY i was in the interview. anyway its always been fun playing w/ u & against u

PSN: qwest4victory    A-R_l2eQwEsT

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2009 at 6:12pm
ThatsGayBoy huh? hahah thanks for that dan ;P haha, but yah great interview, one of the top players in the game, and one of the funniest. taught me loads...

and..... l2 to talk with your mum? nobber ;P


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2009 at 8:53pm
A great read as always! Thumbs Up


Posted By: MrKshaker
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2009 at 11:00am
Very cool int.
I learned a few tricks from watching u, infact i cant wait to play clan match with u guys.
All i'm saying when i play with u. Very nice godlike....
oh! and thanx for mention me:-)


Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2009 at 5:19pm
Originally posted by MrKshaker

Very cool int.
I learned a few tricks from watching u, infact i cant wait to play clan match with u guys.
All i'm saying when i play with u. Very nice godlike....
oh! and thanx for mention me:-)

No probs! You and Jorge are two of the coolest players I have played with! Must be something about Scandinavian players!


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