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Battlefield Bad Company 2: New Updates

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Topic: Battlefield Bad Company 2: New Updates
Posted By: TX2k7
Subject: Battlefield Bad Company 2: New Updates
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2010 at 7:42pm
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam Pack -
(written by TX2k7)

Winter of 2010 marks the arrival of the much anticipated Vietnam Pack for Battlefield fans and with it comes the addition of four new maps, along with new weapons and vehicles. The expansion will also integrate with your existing multiplayer profiles, so players will continue to rank up the same classes between the contemporary battlefield in Bad Company 2 and Vietnam.

Features of the pack include:
  • 4 Brand New Maps - From the rice fields of the Phu Bai Valley to the napalm scorched earth of Hill 137, four distinct Vietnam-based maps each bring a fresh visual and gameplay experience with characteristics such as foxholes, tunnels and dense jungles from where the enemy can launch surprise attacks.
  • 6 Immortalized Vehicles - Skim the treetops in the iconic American Huey helicopter. Drive the sturdy Russian T54 tank and the nimble US PBR "Pibber" patrol boat, plus three more vehicles immortalized in the Vietnam war.
  • 15 Characteristic Weapons - Charge into battle with 15 new weapons modeled on their real life counter-parts, including the rare Navy SEAL XM22 machinegun and the characteristic M79 "Blooper" Grenade Launcher.
  • Rocking 60's Soundtrack - Listen to 8 radio channels in-game, featuring 49 time typical tracks, including "Ride of the Valkyries" and "Fortunate Son" by CCR.
  • True War Dialogue - All-new voiceovers for both American and Vietnamese forces, based on authentic communication from the Vietnam war for maximum immersion.
  • New Achievements/Trophies - Collect 10 new achievements/trophies, one for blowing up Vietnamese propaganda speakers. Earn new weapon proficiency stars specific to your skills with the weapons in the expansion.

The Vietnam pack will be released as downloadable content for the PC/XBOX360/PS3.
Check the new trailer, presented at the Tokyo Game Show below:

[tube] [/tube]

- Vietnam Pack: Tanks -

Early last week, EA gave fans an insight into the 2 new tanks being introduced with its upcoming expansion pack.
Both the Vietnamese and American Tanks will function much like tanks in the base game: one driver/main gunner, and room for a turret gunner. The driver may also fire a secondary weapon from within the tank, with the correct vehicle specialization.

Unique to the American Tank (shown below) is the number of 60's themed radio stations that can be played from within. However, this luxury is not just for the driver's enjoyment, as the music is blasted across the battlefield to all near-by enemies - A theme reminiscent of the PSYWAR Ops carried out in the Vietnam war and depicted in the film Apocalypse Now.

(The American Tank blazes through the jungle of Vietnam)

The Vietnamese tank, a Russian T54 (shown below), will play multiple roles for its team, functioning as a mobile Anti-Air defense system in addition to its usual role. And for the NVA, lacking any real AA guns of notice in this expansion, the tank will prove to be a crucial component against the American forces

(The NVA Tank, on loan from Russia, looks to shoot down the Huey Helicopter)

Be sure to check back here as more details regarding the Vietnam Expansion Pack are released

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2010 at 8:54pm
Here are some additional screenshots from the pack:

(American Helicopters take fire from the NVA deep in the jungle of Vietnam)

(A soldier of the NVA, North Vietnamese Army, stares down a U.S. Marine)

(A Russian T54 tank, on loan to the Vietnamese, shoots down an American Helicopter)

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2010 at 3:40pm
- Phu Bai Valley - 
(written by TX2k7)

Earlier today, a new trailer for Battlefield Bad Company 2's upcoming Vietnam Pack was released. This is the first ingame trailer released by DICE and it shows some intense action taking place in the rice patties of the Phu Bai Valley. Take a look:

Originally designed for Conquest, Phu Bai presents a unique challenge in terms of strategy, since the enemy is able to engage you from all directions. Diversity in terms of kits, along with effective commincation will prove vital for success here. One look at the layout of the map and bases (pictured below) and you will see that the central A base will serve as a key strategic spawn point, providing short distances between the other two bases. However, it will not be an easy task maintaining control over A base, as there are few vehicles provided here. With helicopters and tanks coming forth from the other two bases, players will have to move quick to keep from being overrun. Below you will find some tactics provided from the Battlefield Blog:
* * *  P H U  B A I  V A L L E Y  M I L I T A R Y  I N T E L  * * *


US base starting hardware: 1 x heli / 2 x tanks / 2 x jeeps

Note: Only side with a heli, although the NVA have more armor.

US tactics tip: Hold base A while you capture base B, so you can instantly get your second helicopter up in the air. If you keep both helis flying, you will be able to defeat the NVA armor by air superiority.


NVA base starting hardware: 3 x tanks / 2 x jeeps

Note: Ample supply of armor -- you will need it to defend against the US chopper(s).

NVA tactics tip: Establish a strong foothold at either base B or C. That way you don't have to start over from your home base every time you respawn. If you manage this, you will have the chance to use your armored vehicles to gain ground and push back the US side. Keep in mind that you can shoot down enemy helicopters with the machine gun mounted on top of your tank. Keep your tanks alive with engineers to defeat the air threat. Alternate, daredevil tactic: Steal the enemy choppers.

New Screen Shots

(An American Huey Helicopter soars over the rice patties of vietnam)

(Screen shot taken from a playtest of the Phu Bai Valley map)

Remember to keep checking back here for more updates as they come out!

*Note: If you plan to copy any part of this for use elsewhere, we request that you list iAMGaming as your source. Thank you.

Source: Official Battlefield Blog

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2010 at 8:48pm
- The Tools of the 60's -
(Taken from the official Battlefield Blog)


So when going back to the 60's, we obviously don't want the soldiers running around with motion sensors, tracer dart guns, automatic spotting scopes, and all those other newfangled gizmos we are used to from the original Bad Company 2 setting. To make the new Vietnam expansion feel fresh, we peeled off a layer of high tech and replaced it with iron sights, blowtorches, and dynamite sticks. Here are some of the things we are doing to make our expansion pack a veritable travel back in time.


Removed High Tech Gadgets
So there are a number of high tech gadgets from the base game that we simply removed from the multiplayer game when we designed Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. These are the motion sensors (both vehicle-based and for infantry), the tracer dart gun, and the spotting scope.


Retro Designed Other Gadgets
We want to keep the same team play abilities as in the base game, but give the tools an older look. So the auto repair tool from the base game is now a blowtorch, but with the same functionality. The C4 explosives have been replaced by sticks of dynamite, while the defibrillator is replaced with a syringe filled with adrenaline. These tools all function the same as their modern counterparts, but the new look, sound, and feel mean that they give a whole new flair to this expansion. The retro approach goes for the actual weapons as well. Overall, this setting has a much grittier, up close and personal tone to it. 


Added Curious Needle-based Navigation Device

We thought you might need a compass to navigate the jungles of Vietnam, so we added one and integrated it with your minimap. Now you can call out where the enemies are without having to add "My left, not your left!"


We leave you this weekend with a quick tutorial on how to handle the dynamite charge and detonator, issued in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam to Recon class soldiers of both camps.

* * *  M I L I T A R Y  T N T  T U T O R I A L  * * *

1) Place dynamite charge on offending vehicle

2) Take cover

3) Press down on detonator handle. Sorry tuk-tuk it was either you or the helicopter
- and I think we know who wins that fight

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2010 at 8:53pm
- The Rusty and Unscoped Weapons of the 60's -
(taken from the official Battlefield Blog)"> Rusty but reliable.
One of the major features of our upcoming expansion pack Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam is an arsenal of new weapons. Or old weapons, as it were. Since the Vietnam War took place in the 60's and early 70's, the look and feel of these pieces are totally different from the modern day equipment we are used to from the base game.


Sure, we still have an M16 in Vietnam, but it's the first generation model, with a different sound and handling than in the base game. Not to mention how it actually looks when you are gripping it. Every weapon in this expansion shows the wear and tear of jungle warfare. Think rusty pieces of metal and wood tied together with cloth. And you can forget to slap on a 4X scope on any old weapon. In Vietnam, you have to get close and personal and get the enemy in your iron sights to take him down."> Say hello to my little... oh, we've used that one already. Awesome tiger camouflage on the grip, though.

The M79 grenade launcher (commonly referred to as "The Blooper") is also here. With its 40mm grenades and characteristic firing sound, this powerful weapon will clear out any tunnel so you can enter and arm that MCOM station in relative peace.


Below, you can see the NVA machine gun RPK in action. Note how it's all rusty and tied together with a piece of cloth. This is a consistent art style throughout. In the jungle, you're happy just to have a functioning gun. No time to muck about with weapon maintenance and the like.


Lastly in this blog post, let's say a few words on the RPG. It functions much like in the base game, but remember: There are no tracer darts in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. Shooting down helicopters obviously is very hard now -- that's why we have made the helicopters in this expansion take damage from ordinary weapons. And before you shout "imba!", rest assured we have spent a good deal of time balancing both sides on each map.">">
Learn your weapons: RPK, left, not to be confused with RPG, right.

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 09 Nov 2010 at 7:34pm
- Meet The Flamethrower -
(by TX2k7)

Recently, details have been released about a new addition into the Battlefield arsenal. It adds a very aggressive element to the gameplay in the upcoming Vietnam Pack and is sure to become a fierce tool off destruction in the jungle. So may I introduce to you, a feared weapon straight out of the Vietnam war, the Flamethrower:


In the jungles of Vietnam, there are many tunnels and foxhole, the enemy is dug-in deep and what more could we ask for than a the smell of gasoline in the morning. "Smells like.....Victory". This weapon, according to the developers at DICE, "actually changes the way you play the game. Say you are hiding in the tunnel leading to M-COM station B on Hill 137.  One way to keep the attackers out is by firing your flame-thrower out of the tunnel in a preventive manner. Any enemy going near will catch on fire and get other things to worry about than arming your M-COM... Apart from taking taking damage directly by the fire, anyone caught in the blast starts burning health at a steady pace. There are however a number of ways to stop this gradual death from happening. One is using a medkit that you or a friendly medic has administered. Another way is running to the nearest source of water, which also will stop the fire."

Fortify a key tunnel or dug-in postion using the flames as a very strong deterrent, allowing your team easy access to strategically important locations across the map.

(Flamethrowers will prove a strong deterrent for enemies seeking to occupy tunnels and caves)

Soldiers aren't the only ones getting this intimidating roaster, as you can see below, tanks have also be equipped with their own flamethrower. Blazing trails of fear throughout the jungle, leaving nothing but charred forest in its wake, I think Colonel Kilgore would be proud.

(The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like...Victory)

Keep checking back here as more details about the upcoming Vietnam Pack are released!

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2010 at 7:44pm
 -Battlefield Bad Company 2 VIP Map Pack 7-
(by TX2k7)

With all the talk on here focusing on the upcoming Vietnam Pack, lets take a step back to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 where a new map pack is in the works. VIP Map pack 7 will feature 4 maps, all new to BFBC2's multiplayer. Two of the maps - Cold War and Heavy Metal - have been taken from the single player campaign, where as the other two maps - Oasis and Harvest Day - have been remastered from the first Bad Company, enabling Destruction 2.0 and enhancing lighting, graphics, ambient sounds and backgrounds. Like the other map packs before it, this will be a free pack for PC and console VIP players. What's included in VIP Map Pack 7:

Map 1: Oasis

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer

Game modes:  Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 2: Harvest Day

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer

Game modes:  Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 3: Cold War

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer

Game modes:  Rush, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 4: Heavy Metal

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer

Game modes:  Conquest, Squad Deathmatch

(Oasis is back and ready for action!)

(It's quiet....too quiet)

For those of you out there who love battlefields of epic proportions, look no further than the new Heavy Metal map, taken from the campaign to give players what they love: huge maps and plenty of vehicles to cause mayhem in. To find out more about what Heavy Metal brings to the Battlefield, we look to the developers for details:

"We wanted a level that could incorporate both vehicle warfare and close quarters battle. We found that in Heavy Metal. The multiplayer game mode of choice on this remastered version of Heavy Metal is Conquest, with the classic three flag setup. The three flags are spread over the entire terrain. This seemed like a crazy idea at first -- this map is even bigger than Atacama Desert -- but we stuck to it, and it turned out to provide a real sense of epic scale."

(Warning: Travelling by foot on Heavy Metal can feel a bit daunting)

There are plenty of vehicles here, and they will spawn on captured bases, so players will not feel stranded if they decide to move to another base. If an enemy chopper happens to stop by for a rocket-filled visit, anti air guns are provided in strategic locations to keep the air battles balanced and the home bases safe.

(Heavy Metal features both attack and transport helicopters)

As of now, there is no release date for this, but more details regarding VIP Map Pack 7 will be released soon, so keep checking back here!

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2010 at 4:09pm
- Vietnam Pack: Achievements/Trophies -
(courtesy of the official Battlefield Blog)

Heres a complete list of all the achievements/trophies available in the upcoming Vietnam Pack:


Can I Go Home Now?

Achieve a team victory on all Vietnam levels


Every Gun has a Silver Lining

Get silver stars on all primary Vietnam weapons
(Veteran weapons not included)


Ecstasy of Gold


Get gold stars on all primary Vietnam weapons
(Veteran weapons not included)




Doing the Rounds


Get a kill with all Vietnam vehicles


Cantankerous Chauffeur


Get 100 kills with Vietnam tanks


Ride of the Valkyrie


Get 50 kills with the helicopter




Would you Kindly STFU?


Destroy a Hannoi Hannah propaganda speaker


Great Balls of Fire


Get 20 kills with the flamethrower


Just Because I Can


Finish 1st on the scoreboard on any Vietnam level">


Secret Achievement

This one is secret (duh)

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2010 at 7:01pm
- VIP Map Pack 7: The Cold War is Back -
(by TX2k7)

For anyone who has played through the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 campaign, you will probably remember Cold War, an icy map set high up in the frozen tundra of Russia. Look for this map to return, now as a multiplayer map, in the upcoming VIP Map Pack 7.

"The game mode of choice is Rush, with the Russian team deploying a surprise counter attack in order to win back the US controlled area. In stark contrast to the vehicle based gameplay in Heavy Metal, Cold War is solely focused on close quarter combat because of the narrow alleyways in the village. Being a remix of the original singleplayer map, in multiplayer the Russians are attacking from the opposite direction, downhill, with the ultimate goal to push the US team out onto the frozen river.

Cold War was specifically chosen for Map Pack 7 because of its wonderful winter setting and multitude of pathways where players can face each other head on. We also wanted a map to complement the bigger, vehicle-based, ones."

This icy battlefield should prove to be an excellent addition to the game, guaranteeing plenty of intense, in-your-face firefights with the enemy. The unforgiving terrain will claim many soldiers, who will survive and emerge victorious?

 Be sure to keep checking back here for more details as they are released!

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