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New Tourney 5VS5!

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Team QnL General discussion
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Topic: New Tourney 5VS5!
Posted By: Darkn3ss
Subject: New Tourney 5VS5!
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 3:37am

sup ya'll! (:

VIDEOGAMEPRINCE got alot of msgs from ppl that told him they're in for a 4vs4 team tourney.
Good news. It's comin (: Except it will be 5vs5 for the sake of otherwise havin 8 / 10 teams of 4 ppl each. Too much time. And we all wanna play $_$

Me and RottenSc0undr3l will be moderator for this tourney. We're still collecting all the scum that want to play in this tourney lol. So. if you're down for this > Message "im in" to (Darkn3ss is QnL) or RottenSc0undr3l / Icicle X.

Rules are simple:

1. How are teams picked?
The moderators pick teams based on a number system and a team captain. If you're in, you'll get a number. Team captains can then pick as much as 5 numbers/random players on their team. This is done for logic reasons > fair teams
2. What is the roster?
You will start as a team in a poule/group of 3 teams. The winning team rises in the group. The losing team will play a rematch vs the other team. The team that wins that match will also ascent in the group. So for example you'll have:
Team 1 vs. Team 2 < Team 1 wins? Play Team 3 (wait 4 outcome of Team 2 vs 3)
Team 2 vs. Team 3 < Team 3 wins? Play Team 1
Team 1 vs. Team 3 < Team 1 wins? continue to next group / poule
Team 3 vs. Team 2 < Team that wins also continues to next group / poule
Note: If we have as much as 30 players. There will be only 2 poules starting of each 3 teams.
We need to collect the players for these teams first.

3. How are maps picked?
Maps are picked through a vote. participants will receive a msg when there are given a number and there will also be a question which map they wanna play in the first poule.
4. Game mode / info:
The game mode will be CTF. 1 match per round. So make it worth playing.
I'm gonna tell you this one time and not more:
You are, as a team captain responsible for your own team.
So.. that means, if players from YOUR team, disconnect.
You will have to solve on your own. So have a sub ready or som.

I'm always ready to help or jump in though wherever I can. But don't come complain.
(players can come b****in to the moderator about players disconnecting.. but is that my fault lol? 
This is all about communication with your team.
5. Who will host?
Based on in game speed and the least possible leg. More info about this soon.
We will message Amatic75 and XMadEgyptianX for possible servers.
6. When will there be played? (!!)
There will go a message around with some dates asking all participants when they are able to play (i assume weekends) so weekends it will be. So we have the least possible disconnecters.

Got alot of "im in"s already guys :P great.
Lets make this tourney worth playin.
More info/updates will come real soon.

People in so far:
x2fk Q80FACE
oSc Man1ac
uP I Seifer (< will join if know exact date)

Darkn3ss is QnL / Sin0vUrDarkn3ss
RottenSc0undr3l / Icicle X

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 5:57am
how can you have a tourney without dedicated servers ???

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 6:28am
lol players get messages days before when they need to play another team. Host will be up at that date.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 2:29pm
I'm in.

Posted By: WaR
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 2:57pm
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer

how can you have a tourney without dedicated servers ???
picking numbers doesnt really make it fair teams,, = LUCK ...TEAM CAPTAIN MAY GET LUCKY AND PICK OUT ALL TEH BEAST PLAYERS,,, 


Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 4:56pm
i think people should just find there own team and play.
that will cut down the number of players who want to play and 4v4 would be possible.
just my opinion tho

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 9:31am
I get ur point Rican and War.
But everyone is allowed to play aren't they?
So, you can guess if anybody would to make their own team. All the (not so experienced) or noobie players would be left forming their own team eventually getting owned by a superior team.

but well okay.. I'll have a look at this number system again..

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 9:37am
Okay. So far we have these players in:

1. MicBianconero93
2. oSc Man1ac
3. Frag416
5. Hatred4You
6. x2fk Q80FACE
7. ChanciestKIDD81
9. Yerty
11. Pyrotex
12. Equilibrium1989
14. XMadEgyptianX
15. FaZeD U
Me and Rotten makes 17

Still waiting 4:
18. Amatic75
19. uP I PhantaCi / aX412
20. AkkUR4Te
21. BarrelTHEKID
22. Doc Magnus

Rican are you in?

23. uc SYZYGY uc
24. BuMrUsH24SeV

We might have 5 teams of 5 if we have enough players.
Otherwise we should think bout somethin else.. perhaps 4vs4 indeed.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:43pm
iv got a feeling this is goin to f*** up lol. lets just have a 8vs8 again that was fun but differnt teams etc. prince wants a 4vs4 seperate to the tourny btw . peaceee

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:52pm
Lol. aight cool. we can do a 8vs8 again. but i heard from a few that 16players in a game is leggy as f***. so.. what will it be then halfbakedjoshy? 8vs8?

You wanna pick teams in a minute? we got all the players we need.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:56pm
i dont knowww its so confusing whos in, whens it is etc. 8vs8 is jus easyer to set up. i duno man tbh il ask yerty n hatred n mayb fazed if he stops bein useles like usual haha

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 2:59pm
lol i made a list twice in this topic who's in.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 3:17pm
Are there enough players left to form enough teams for a 5v5? I might participate. I'll get on sometime this weekend, haven't played in awhile.

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 3:20pm
Who is darkness?

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: VideOGaMePrinCe
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:04pm
darkness is a GREAT PLAYER bro.. anyone looking to do a 4v4 with me, seifer, SYZYGY, and jason kills  please let us know.. as soon as syzygy (THE BEASTLY FLAG RUNNER) gets online we can set whatever up. IT should be ez seeing that Sizzle is the Dominate Flag Runner that takes 3 defenders to pull down. Clap sizzle Clap sizzle Clap sizzle

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:17pm
Me smell alt.

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:50pm
Originally posted by VideOGaMePrinCe

darkness is a GREAT PLAYER bro.. anyone looking to do a 4v4 with me, seifer, SYZYGY, and jason kills  please let us know.. as soon as syzygy (THE BEASTLY FLAG RUNNER) gets online we can set whatever up. IT should be ez seeing that Sizzle is the Dominate Flag Runner that takes 3 defenders to pull down. Clap sizzle Clap sizzle Clap sizzle

I didn't ask how good he was bro
What's his gamertag?

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 4:58pm
5v5 or less and i will play
VGP, im down for that 4v4.
Hopefully itll be phantaci, hatred,Q80FACE and myself.
Ill be on in a few and we can talk it over.
TUNA, where u been at you dirty skank you.

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 5:04pm
So you're on the 360 now? I've just been working. I have a 4 month old daughter now so I haven't had much time for games. My roommate has xbox live so I'll probably play on his gamertag unless I recover mine

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: VideOGaMePrinCe
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 5:56pm
my bad bro... his gt is his username.. i just thought u knew that.. Darkn3ss is QnL (sinovurdarkness)

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 21 May 2011 at 6:15pm
nice dude, congrats! and i play both, For UT3 im on PS3 more obviously.
let me no if u hop on, get some games in

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 5:48am
Lol. Tuna, i've got u on my old account bro > Sin0vUrDarkn3ss.
FaZeD asked me to be in QnL in March.
Btw we should do this big tourney a bit later guys. just heard Amatic's account is silver and Egyptian can only host on Sunday in the afternoon. 'nd my host is ****. phaps next month.
We should do a 5vs5 with QnL membz?
me, rotten/icicle, fazed, tuna and ??? perhaps Yerty of Barrel or somet.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: BenWa
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 8:24am
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 3:10pm
Originally posted by VideOGaMePrinCe

darkness is a GREAT PLAYER bro.. anyone looking to do a 4v4 with me, seifer, SYZYGY, and jason kills  please let us know.. as soon as syzygy (THE BEASTLY FLAG RUNNER) gets online we can set whatever up. IT should be ez seeing that Sizzle is the Dominate Flag Runner that takes 3 defenders to pull down. Clap sizzle Clap sizzle Clap sizzle

thanks Prince, but i can't run it like i used to :)

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 4:12pm
We still playing. I have no effin clue who im playin with.
New idea. Bum phant and q80. I doubt it will happen to

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 5:37pm
Originally posted by puertoRICAN

We still playing. I have no effin clue who im playin with.
New idea. Bum phant and q80. I doubt it will happen to

Lol. I will not play this team. replace Q80 for Seifer and i'm gonna bang my head against the tv.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 6:19pm
If he wasnt playing for VGP, i woulda already asked em. lol
Hes a beast

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 22 May 2011 at 6:22pm
Lol he is..
I like how he always manages to get into the enemy base when the flag carrier already across and the does a snipe/head shot on him as a last save. that ****'s crazy.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 3:07am
Lol okay i'm a n00b > are there a minimum posts required to get a Team member status?
Or can you just adjust it somewhere between settings?

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 1:36pm
when the tourny startin? and i think we should set the teams up tonight!! . i'l b online 8:30 your time man.

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 2:02pm
Tourney will start asa we picked a date bro.
Cool man! hit me up when you wanna pick some then.


PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 3:22pm
ggs last night Phantasi, Bum and Rican.. hope we do it again tonight.. that was some fun ass ctf.. 4v4 pugs like that with good players beats the hell out of big pubs!

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 3:52pm
if yaw are on again, i think we are up to another few games, should be fun,
GGs last night as well

Watch in 720P....duh

Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 2:17am
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Lol. Tuna, i've got u on my old account bro > Sin0vUrDarkn3ss.
FaZeD asked me to be in QnL in March.
Btw we should do this big tourney a bit later guys. just heard Amatic's account is silver and Egyptian can only host on Sunday in the afternoon. 'nd my host is ****. phaps next month.
We should do a 5vs5 with QnL membz?
me, rotten/icicle, fazed, tuna and ??? perhaps Yerty of Barrel or somet.
my host can be up any time but its a matter of setting it to private and if someone leaves after joining a private it locks out that spot, but i can host pretty much anytime and my net is crazy beastly.  most people have a 1 to 1.5 mg upload and its not download that determines host its the up.  mine is 4.5 on average and thats why if you ask 9 outta 10 on 360 they will tell its best server,  uk preffer it over east coast and im central so....

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 2:20am
Originally posted by BenWa

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL


omfg its benwa!!!!!!
when you coming back homs?

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 2:34am

Yoo replic, are u in the tourney man? if ya're, please lemme know so i can count you in. Teams are random as f*** btw. Hope you have no problem with that. Got otherwise a lil trouble keeping the teams fair..

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: VideOGaMePrinCe
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 12:35pm
QnL vs B-M (BeAsT-MoDe) 5 v 5

Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 12:43pm
ill play..we pick the teams? or some randomizer crap


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 12:54pm
nah bro. random teams.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 4:27pm
Okay guys. The teams are set.

Team A:
- Yerty
- FaZeD U
- Pyrotex
- Doc Magnus / Legend '99

Team B:
- XMadEgyptianX
- Icicle X / RottenSc0undr3l
- Equilibrium1989
- aX412 / PhantaCi
- MicBianconero93

Team C:
- uP I Seifer
- Hatred4You
- Barrel THEKID
- Darkn3ss is QnL
- ChanciestKIDD81

Team D:
- Amatic75
- BuMrUsH24SeV
- oSc Man1ac

Frag416 (sub 1)
LG Niinee Cov (sub 2)
x2fk Q80FACE (sub 3)

@Rican in 720p, u wanna be the last sub? since i didn't quite hear from u anymore though?

First match: Team A  -v.s-  Team B
Map vote: 1 game, Reflection, best of 3 caps

The date was set on Sat the 4th of June. but since our top host is unavaible right then, we might as well try and host it on Sunday the 5th of June or Saturday the 11th of June.
Participants in this forum from Team A & B! > plz lemme know if you can play on the dates given.

Thanks in return,
You guys are great
Lets make this tourney worth playing! (:

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 6:23pm
my team is fantastic!


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 6:25pm
go ahead and add me and Rican to Frag, Q80 and LG9's team Darkness.. i guess i'll play

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 24 May 2011 at 7:46pm
I told you i was in!!! (I think)
I dont mind tho, ill play if i can

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 12:44am
Me still smell alt.

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 12:53am
I want to play toooo

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 2:56am
Originally posted by BuMrUsH

my team is fantastic!
Sry bro. had to make fair teams. If you werent such a monster on this game i would have put in another team. BuMrUsH = CTF Defense = No caps at all? :D *HUNGRY*

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 3:01am
Originally posted by TuNA FISh

I want to play toooo
We can make another team then if you want to.
@Tuna, Rican and SYZYGY:
Team E:
- Tuna is QnL
- Frag416
- Rican in 720p
- uc SYZYGY uc
Thing is, there now 5 teams in this tourney. So one team always needs to sit out a game.
Okay with that? Then ill put you guys in the roster and will figure out a date to play ;)

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 9:32am
the 11th is good

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 10:05am
yea thats fine Darkness.. that will be a solid team too.. is Q80 still play'n?

with only 5 teams id just have every team play every other team once, and go from there

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 12:18pm
Might have to swap some players. This team is not fair based on other teams.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 12:30pm
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by BuMrUsH

my team is fantastic!
Sry bro. had to make fair teams. If you werent such a monster on this game i would have put in another team. BuMrUsH = CTF Defense = No caps at all? :D *HUNGRY*

Naw man it is fantastic!..It was a good game guys! but Team D won the tourney


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 1:33pm
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Might have to swap some players. This team is not fair based on other teams.

swap players? lol   

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: VideOGaMePrinCe
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 5:21pm
11TH IS GOOD, that way gives players enough time to collaborate their strategy seeing that players havent really played together alot.and besides bruh, 5th is my birthday!!!!

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 5:50pm
so what are teams?

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 25 May 2011 at 6:03pm
Originally posted by VideOGaMePrinCe

11TH IS GOOD, that way gives players enough time to collaborate their strategy seeing that players havent really played together alot.and besides bruh, 5th is my birthday!!!!

11th works for me.. ima go Beast Mode 4 sure

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:21am
who came up with the teams :/


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:15am
Originally posted by BuMrUsH

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by BuMrUsH

my team is fantastic!
Sry bro. had to make fair teams. If you werent such a monster on this game i would have put in another team. BuMrUsH = CTF Defense = No caps at all? :D *HUNGRY*

Naw man it is fantastic!..It was a good game guys! but Team D won the tourney

Lol.. look at that hunger.. he already expects 2 win :D
I'm gonna put you:
Team F:
- BuMrUsH24SeV

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:16am
Originally posted by uc SYZYGY uc

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Might have to swap some players. This team is not fair based on other teams.

swap players? lol   
xD gimme a break bro. i'm dutch. y'all know what i mean xD

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:17am
Originally posted by puertoRICAN

so what are teams?

Post new teams asap en send message with teams and dates as well ;)
Takes a long time planning this though..

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:19am
Originally posted by VideOGaMePrinCe

11TH IS GOOD, that way gives players enough time to collaborate their strategy seeing that players havent really played together alot.and besides bruh, 5th is my birthday!!!!
Happy early b-day bro. How old are you turning?

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:21am
Originally posted by ax412

who came up with the teams :/

Me...... why....... ;p

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 8:01am
what are the NEW teams then?! its getting stupid now we all jus want to play lol

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 8:17am
Originally posted by halfbakedjoshy

what are the NEW teams then?! its getting stupid now we all jus want to play lol
I thought you made the new teams?? Like i messaged you yesterday??
Lol we all wanna play.. but we can't play with unfair teams now can we.. :)

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 8:22am
Originally posted by halfbakedjoshy

what are the NEW teams then?! its getting stupid now we all jus want to play lol
Why is it stupid?? not again now Joshy..
I'm trying 2 make this work 4 everybody.
But we can't play unless we have fair teams ffs.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 10:33am
Originally posted by ax412

who came up with the teams :/

its hard to make teams perfectly even.. they did pretty good though imo

we can still do more 4v4's anytime you guys want too.. that sh1t was fun

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:11am
Originally posted by Darkn3ssis QnL

but we can't play with unfair teams now can we.. :)


Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Deadaim
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:07pm
Originally posted by puertoRICAN

Originally posted by Darkn3ssis QnL

but we can't play with unfair teams now can we.. :)

that never stopped qm from playing clan matches ;)


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:01pm
Originally posted by uc SYZYGY uc

Originally posted by ax412

who came up with the teams :/

its hard to make teams perfectly even.. they did pretty good though imo

we can still do more 4v4's anytime you guys want too.. that sh1t was fun

thnx Syz. yea thats cool bro. hit me up when u wanna play some. gather sum ppl for that.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:06pm
Originally posted by Deadaim

Originally posted by puertoRICAN

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

but we can't play with unfair teams now can we.. :)

that never stopped qm from playing clan matches ;)

haha. hey SYZ, we could just do a 4vs4. qM/uP vs. QnL ? :D
that be great (:

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:07pm
New teams will be posted tonight 21:30 in the evenin Europe time.
be sure 2 check them out!

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:16pm
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by Deadaim

Originally posted by puertoRICAN

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

but we can't play with unfair teams now can we.. :)

<font style=""> 

<font style="">that never stopped qm from playing clan matches ;)
haha. hey SYZ, we could just do a 4vs4. qM/uP vs. QnL ? :Dthat be great (:

Im not in QM/uPI so i can't help you there Darkness.. you'd haft to talk to Phantasi

Im guessing "Beast Mode" is Me VGP Seifer JKDMAN and Jason Kills so 5v5 would be great

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:19pm
Aight cool man. just hit me up when u wanna play somethin. ill gather sum ppl ;)

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 26 May 2011 at 2:23pm
k Darkness.. we just haft to get JKD motivated to play.. he really hates laggy 360 hosts.. i'll have VGP and Seif work on him though :)

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 12:35am
i told everyone b4 how to do teams.  the best way is (pending on how many teams) everyone votes they think the top say 4 players for 4 teams are, those for become captains (just meaning they pick players) once the captains are pickd they play a quick dm to determine team picking order. then they will all pick off the top players down the way and that will make the most equil teams.

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 10:53am
Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

i told everyone b4 how to do teams.  the best way is (pending on how many teams) everyone votes they think the top say 4 players for 4 teams are, those for become captains (just meaning they pick players) once the captains are pickd they play a quick dm to determine team picking order. then they will all pick off the top players down the way and that will make the most equil teams.

That could have been a good idea. except everybody is experienced in CTF, not in DM. so making the most frags in DM doesn't quite determine a good CTF team < my opinion.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: VideOGaMePrinCe
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 12:13pm
where is the list for the new teams? darkn3ss u r doing a great job bro!!! did u include tuna as well? and death if he is playing? i dont c a new list for the teams, but keep up the good work. Lets do thiS!!!!

Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 4:20pm
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

i told everyone b4 how to do teams.  the best way is (pending on how many teams) everyone votes they think the top say 4 players for 4 teams are, those for become captains (just meaning they pick players) once the captains are pickd they play a quick dm to determine team picking order. then they will all pick off the top players down the way and that will make the most equil teams.

That could have been a good idea. except everybody is experienced in CTF, not in DM. so making the most frags in DM doesn't quite determine a good CTF team < my opinion.
you think to hard about it. its not about dm its just 1 dm for the captains to determine picking order from the roster, all in all it doesnt matter cause it would go down the list of pick the next top player would get pickd each round of picking teams, its easry than it sounds. just food for thought

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 4:20pm
Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

i told everyone b4 how to do teams.  the best way is (pending on how many teams) everyone votes they think the top say 4 players for 4 teams are, those for become captains (just meaning they pick players) once the captains are pickd they play a quick dm to determine team picking order. then they will all pick off the top players down the way and that will make the most equil teams.

That could have been a good idea. except everybody is experienced in CTF, not in DM. so making the most frags in DM doesn't quite determine a good CTF team < my opinion.
you think to hard about it. its not about dm its just 1 dm for the captains to determine picking order from the roster, all in all it doesnt matter cause it would go down the list of pick the next top player would get pickd each round of picking teams, its easry than it sounds. just food for thought

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 5:45pm
Originally posted by VideOGaMePrinCe

where is the list for the new teams? darkn3ss u r doing a great job bro!!! did u include tuna as well? and death if he is playing? i dont c a new list for the teams, but keep up the good work. Lets do thiS!!!!

thanks VGP (: good to hear such enthousiam! cuz I had a few players complaining and b****ing about the teams everytime >< I did include Tuna man ;) Teams will be up tomorrow on msg and iamgaming ;)
Death will be the first sub for this tourney (: Sry man! it would have been great 2 put you in a team. But the teams are already full man. I've had to make a new team for 5 more players already.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 5:48pm
yo good stuff darkness. There are always going to be better ways to do things but who cares. I appreciate all the work you have put in.

Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 6:00pm
Originally posted by FaZeD_U

yo good stuff darkness. There are always going to be better ways to do things but who cares. I appreciate all the work you have put in.
yeah dont get me wrong, i was just suggesting a way, your doing just fine and putting alot of efforts into it and doing a good job so far.   hope it all works out for you guys. 
ALSO<<<<< just a reminder that i can host dedicated server for matches pretty much anytime anyday, just need to know when and it has to be set ether private match or everyone needs to get in right away.  if its private and set for 5v5 and someone leaves b4 matches are finished it will lock that player slot out. 

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 27 May 2011 at 6:46pm
No I understand death i hear ya. And that's cool that your willing to host we appreciate it man.

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 4:55am
i complained because my team isnt has stacked as the rest  lol fair teams my arse pftt II DEATH II if i dont play have my spot by all means

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 7:18am
Originally posted by halfbakedjoshy

i complained because my team isnt has stacked as the rest  lol fair teams my arse pftt II DEATH II if i dont play have my spot by all means

You have to stop f***ing b****in on these teams man. first of all, you don't even tell WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE bout them.. Really, im not f***ing kidding. I asked u a honderd times "tell me what you don't like on your team and i'll try and switch some more" but all I got was "whatever earthworm jon" Lol you 're a good player and sick on CTF. plus your a nice guy which I always enjoy a laughter. But I don't need your f***ing ass complaining all the time when I'm only trying my best.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 7:19am
Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

Originally posted by Darkn3ss is QnL

Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

i told everyone b4 how to do teams.  the best way is (pending on how many teams) everyone votes they think the top say 4 players for 4 teams are, those for become captains (just meaning they pick players) once the captains are pickd they play a quick dm to determine team picking order. then they will all pick off the top players down the way and that will make the most equil teams.

That could have been a good idea. except everybody is experienced in CTF, not in DM. so making the most frags in DM doesn't quite determine a good CTF team < my opinion.
you think to hard about it. its not about dm its just 1 dm for the captains to determine picking order from the roster, all in all it doesnt matter cause it would go down the list of pick the next top player would get pickd each round of picking teams, its easry than it sounds. just food for thought

thanks bro! i'll definitly keep that in mind for next time (:

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 7:24am
Originally posted by FaZeD_U

yo good stuff darkness. There are always going to be better ways to do things but who cares. I appreciate all the work you have put in.

Yeah true man. I didn't quite know how to make the teams even before. But I have a strong feeling the teams are as good as equil now. Plus, i think that good communication with your team is 75% of your victory. Thanks 4 the appriciation FaZeD. motivates me alot (:

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 7:28am
Originally posted by XxXDEATHXxX101

Originally posted by FaZeD_U

yo good stuff darkness. There are always going to be better ways to do things but who cares. I appreciate all the work you have put in.
yeah dont get me wrong, i was just suggesting a way, your doing just fine and putting alot of efforts into it and doing a good job so far.   hope it all works out for you guys. 
ALSO<<<<< just a reminder that i can host dedicated server for matches pretty much anytime anyday, just need to know when and it has to be set ether private match or everyone needs to get in right away.  if its private and set for 5v5 and someone leaves b4 matches are finished it will lock that player slot out. 

Thnx bro. if you could host dedicated would be cool man. Yeah true that.. hmz..
Nah it will just be one game each team match. So lets just hope that every player just stays in for 1 game. If teams wanna play each other after that thats fine, but that's off tourney then.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 9:27am
haha so your honestly think in your head my team is equal to the rest and nothings wrong with it HAHAAAAA you must be stoned or something man wow.Dead

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 10:22am
I'm stoned or somethin.. yeah i am... actually xD.. Lol, ur team will do fine. stop f***ING whining.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 10:50am
It's josh's time of the month uh oh Tongue

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 10:59am
hahaha :P

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: yerty
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 11:34am
Hey great job Darkn3ss

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 11:46am
TREY ON THE FORUMS :D thanks bro!

This topic can be closed btw. this is the new one.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: FaZeD_U
Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 12:05pm
hahahaha Trey is on the forums!!!!!!

Date Posted: 28 May 2011 at 1:12pm
joshy, its just for fun. theres no cash prizes so u should take it to serious.

I am an Exit!psn KuPcAKeDESTR0YER.NoTh1nG__FaCe.Y1NsSeVeRiTy.SuM_RANDOMN008. Portal sits deep within the eye. The eye of Y1NsSeVeRiTy rewards understanding.XBLgametag lDEATHl MACHINE

Posted By: halfbakedjoshy
Date Posted: 29 May 2011 at 2:18pm
i like whining and winning hahaa ffs its JUST a game. so this whooollle tournament is for fun obviously, yet so much effort and planning as been put into it, seems abit of a waste of time for darkness imo!

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 30 May 2011 at 2:17am
Originally posted by halfbakedjoshy

i like whining and winning hahaa ffs its JUST a game. so this whooollle tournament is for fun obviously, yet so much effort and planning as been put into it, seems abit of a waste of time for darkness imo!
Lol i don't really care about the time man. I just wanna play, and if players don't show up fine. and if this whole tourney blows, fine as well. But at least i tried then (:
I get my PS3 tomorrow :D

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 30 May 2011 at 9:04am
Originally posted by halfbakedjoshy

i like whining and winning hahaa ffs its JUST a game. so this whooollle tournament is for fun obviously, yet so much effort and planning as been put into it, seems abit of a waste of time for darkness imo!

dry your face and get over it

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 30 May 2011 at 10:30am

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

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