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CTF Guide by InHuMaNe_KiLLa and RemY

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Topic: CTF Guide by InHuMaNe_KiLLa and RemY
Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Subject: CTF Guide by InHuMaNe_KiLLa and RemY
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2009 at 10:44pm
Ok everyone this Guide is for the people willing to learn and practice CTF. There's not a lot of information but a lot of helpful tips.

CTF Guide by InHuMaNe_KiLLa and RemY

Flag Running
  • When Flag Running you don't want to use a power weapon as much. When flag running you want to get away from your opponents and you want them away from you.
  • I suggest using a Stinger Minigun
  • Shock Rifle
  • Or Link Gun .
  •  For using the stinger, as soon as you grab the flag use the secondary (but don't spam, and by this I mean don't hold down the trigger and miss). As soon as you get away from everybody you can start using a power weapon. Shock Rifle and Link Gun are other weapons that push backs and makes people have to dodge a lot. Again after you get away take out a power weapon and use it.
  • Before grabbing (learned this from LeX is FnA) to score, grab the flag first and translocate away. This gives you the advantage to see where the defenders are. After knowing where they are try to kill them or if your in a rush, simply grab the flag and jump back as soon as you can. Most people shoot at the flag and not where your going.
  • Last tip I can think of for Flag Running is to make your flag route as impossible as you can to make the other players not predict. If this means taking more time, but easier to score, take that route. Ex: On Reflection your going towards your rockets and you see a person start translocating there, fake them out and go under. If someone else is coming and see you going under, fake them again and go the flak way. This does take a longer time but it gets people thinking, "Where did he go?!?!". Tip from Crow - When someone is chasing you with the shock run backwards and throw out a single rocket grenade, this will push back the enemy. It doesn't really work on open maps he says.
Offense Supporter
  • There's not much for this role but if your going to help out the flag runner this means watching their front. And hopefully your flag runner knows to watch his back. All you have to do is either have rockets or a flak cannon out and take out anyone that's in front of you and the flag runner.
Midfield Defense
  • This role is one of the hardest besides Flag Running. In this role you need to pay attention to your flag, enemies going to the base, and enemies coming after you to kill you. This role you should be using a power weapon (don't spam it lol) to kill enemies and flag carriers. Also in this role you need to see the glow from the flags on the flag carriers.
  • A helpful tip for when your flag has been stolen and the enemies are coming to the midfield to help is to throw out grenades from your rocket launcher towards your enemy base so they have less room to get over. This also gives you some time to figure out where the flag runner is.
Defense in the Base
  • In this role you have to hide yourself, surprise the enemy as they grab the flag, and protect the flag. Best weapon to use for defense is a Shock Rifle. Best places to hide is in a corner or behind a wall where you can still see the flag while no one else can see you. When trying to throw out a Shock Combo when someone is grabbing the flag aim it a little above the player so the Shock Ball doesn't hit the player and its just right above them so more damage will be inflicted.
  • If the flag runner has gotten outside of the flag room, the best option is to cut them off and make sure your always in front of the flag runner.
  • Another Defense tip is always switch places after you killed a player, because they will just come back and think your in that exact same place. And if you don't move you give this player an advantage to grabbing the flag and getting away with it by killing you.

Roles put into each map


  • Flag running - In this map there is only two ways to come in and out. This map is very small and requires dodging every shot. If your going to go out the top way, pull out a rocket launcher and throw out grenades down into the rocket room and grab the chest armor. If your hoping to get out alive your going to want to throw out a lot of grenades and combos. Also another good weapon to use is the flak cannon. A good way to use that weapon is to go at an angle and shoot at walls so they bounce to the enemy. If your going out the bottom way, make sure you have a supporter as its not easy getting out. I recommend using a flak cannon again as it can cover more area and bounce off walls. Your going to want to jump off walls and dodge a lot.
  • Midfield Defense - There's not really a "Midfield" to this map. But if you don't like staying in the base I recommend to watch the two entrances to your base. There is a lot of hiding spots in the main hallway but blocks your view of the smaller hallway. I would use either rockets, shock rifle or flak cannon.
  • Defense in the Base - There are 5 good hiding spots in the base to surprise your enemy. One good place overall to see both entrances is where the shock rifle is. Two other spots are the posters that you can translocate onto. I don't have pictures or a vid to show this place, sorry. Two more places is in the corners where one way you can go up to the shock rifle and the other where you go towards the second entrance. Playing this role at this base, the best weapon to use is the shock rifle.
Facing Worlds:
  • Flag running - There's not much advice for this map besides this: When flag running, grab the flag and run through the portal that goes to the top of the base. From there, there's 4 ways you can drop down without getting hurt. Two ways are to jump down on the sides by jumping onto each ledge going down. One is going the back way (this will take off a lot more health). Finally there's the way where you can throw a translocater down on the hillside and jump off in the front then translocating and letting it drop towards you.
  • Midfield Defense - This role on this map requires dodging and surviving. On Facing Worlds there is a lot of snipers and people do tend to snipe a lot. The way to stay alive is to dodge everyone's shots and take out the enemy before they get a shot off. You also want to keep track of the time of the Keg of Health.
  • Defense - There is many hiding spots but all can be seen. So really just get out rockets or shock rifle and move around inside the base. Time to time go to the main entrance to see who is coming.
  • Flag Running - There is 3 ways in the base and 3 ways out the base. One of the best ways is to go out the rocket side because you have more room to strife, but you do have to look up and all around you to stay alive. Another way is to hammer jump up into the vent and go out that way, as your enemy won't expect it all the time. The 3rd way is risking because you can get trapped, so I recommend to not go out the shock rifle way. Before you go grab the flag make sure you are stocked up on health and armor.
  • Midfield Defense - One of the best way to play midfield is to go on top of the sniper tower. This gives you a full view of which side enemies are coming from. I suggest using a flak cannon or sniper rifle.
  • Defense - There is not many hiding spots, but make sure you got health, armor, and tons of ammo as your going to need it!
Omicron Dawn:
  • Flag Running - There is 3 ways to get into the base and the best way is translocating to the top then go through towards the bio rifle and go on top of the bridge to see where defenders are. The best way to get out is the middle because you have many opportunities to jump right out into the main middle area. Make sure you fake out players by making them think you go out on one side but go up the stairs then show your glow by starting to go out a window, but then go out the other one as it will confuse them.
  • Midfield Defense - It's very had to play midfield here but just be ready for enemies coming out to help the flag carrier.
  • Defense - There are many ways to hide on this map! One way is to go by the shock rifle and hide next to the wall where you can't see the top area, this gives you an advantage of people not seeing you from the top. Another is going in the corners on the little ledge above the health on either side. This gives you an advantage for people who can't see you from the bottom or middle. Also a good way to get good Shock Combos. Last but not least there's the bridge above the stinger minigun. Hide up there and you can shock combos, rockets, etc. But watch out for enemies trying to go up there to see where you defenders are!
  • Flag Running - There is 6 ways to get in and 6 ways to get out. The best way I think is to grab the flag and wall jump off the side onto the middle bridge and go out the top way. From there you can jump off that pillar to make it look like your jumping off but then go back on the bridge and then just side jump off to a side. The other ways your going to need support and to fake out players and predict there moves.
  • Midfield Defense - Best way to play this role is by sitting outside on your bridge which gives you full view to see where enemies are coming from and where they are going into. Also have chances to kill enemies if they come towards you or you shoot a shot towards where they are going.
  • Defense - Defense on Reflection is not that easy as it is a pretty small and open map. For getting good shock combos sit by the corners of the below entrance where the shock cores are. If you and a friend are playing stand by each steep hill going up towards the flag to see if enemies are coming in there. Also have one person check the middle and kill anyone on sight.
  • Flag Running - There is many ways to come in and get away with the flag! A good way to get out is go out the stinger minigun side wall jump off the little pillars by the invisible power-up to get to the other side. Another one is going up the top and reaching the link gun. From there you can go 2 ways: Hammer Jump to the very very top or jump on top of where the health is and try to hammer jump across to the other link gun side.
  • Midfield Defense - For midfield here you can play where shield belt is and stand on top where the health is and watch for enemies and flag carriers to kill them.
  • Defense - It's hard to play defense here because there's no hiding spots so just constantly keep moving and get ready for someone to steal the flag.
  • Flag running - There's not much flag running you can do here but the way I go is go out the bio rifle way and wall jump off the pillar onto either the right or left side bridge.
  • Midfield Defense - another map where there really isn't a midfield..
  • Defense - There is many places to hide and the best place is where the minigun is to see where enemies are and where the flag is. For this I would use a flak cannon.
  • Sorry guys I don't play Vertebrae enough to know the map.

Here is RemY's Funny CTF Guide!

Originally posted by RemY

"Eff yeah!" RemY is here and I am going to be covering basic knowledge players that they should know about. In this segment, I will be going over basic information for each role and I will be addressing tips to serious team captains/leaders. Giving them some highly useful tips that may change the tides of maps or hell... tournaments.

"I'm on D. WHAT I DO MANG?"

Playing defense is simple, yet hard to master. Top tier teams time their armors/powerups around their base such as Shield Belt, Keg, Chest, etc. Timing these is very important as the enemy attackers will go after these items to make sure you are lower on health than they are when facing you or to use when they get your flag and run home.

Most defenders make this one mistake and can change the tide of the game. When they grab the flag and you either died or can’t reach/kill the EFC (Enemy Flag Carrier), before they are out of the base, you will have to let them go and shout out to your team where they are heading. The reason for you to let them go is because your job will now be to secure your home base. Although it can be tempting to continue after him, it will leave your base empty. This will most likely mean that if you come back or another player returns the flag, there will be an enemy attacker waiting in your base for that to happen and now you will not be able to tell your team where he is and what way he is going. Besides that, he will also steal YOUR armor, health, etc on his way out.



Basically this position is to control the mid field and irritate the **** out of enemies who are trying to cross the field.

The midfielder kills or at the least gives the enemy attacker a hard time crossing the midfield (Hurting him badly). He also helps securing the powerup but he shouldn’t try to take it as he hardly never has any armor for it. Of course he will take it if no other of his team gets to it in time.

He should also attack or support (with) his teams attackers if powerup is secured, to support an attack with powerup. He also helps the basedef/flagdef if the enemy got the powerup or if he has a hard time clearing his base. The player of this role should have a good accuracy as he will probably face a lot of combat. Also flexibility is required of the player as he will help a lot on both sides of the map.

"OFFENSE, HELL YEAH!" (You bore me!)

This position builds stars usually lololol. This position is amazingly not all about scoring. Besides capping they flag, flag runners must have a sharp eye on the enemy's positioning and aware of your teammate's positions as well. You must be smart and cunning to be running this position because running into the base all alone with out back up is just gonna make you respawn. 9 out of 10 times rushing into the flag room will make your attempts a failure. Plan out how you are going to attack and coordinate with your team on how to attack. 1 distracts while 1 grabs. Simple? Yeah. Easy to do? f*** NO!

Yeah great you got the flag. WHAT TO DO NEXT? In this step, you need to scavenge around the enemies base and steal their health, armors, and ammo. Helping you prepare for the next choke point, the exit. Have your teammates cover you AT ALL TIMES. Never let them lose your sights. If they do, your chances of making it home will drop significantly.

Remember, a role in offense is defense as well. If you died and give your teammates the flag, escort him to your base.


I will be adding another segment that focuses on momentum and attitude in between maps. This may sound corny but it will benefit ALL TEAMS. Having a positive and getting that adrenaline flowing will make your aim, speed of thought, and hand eye coordination on fire.

Enjoy my guide and this was brought to you by RemY with some help of my fellow Quake teammates.

And if I think of more Tips I'll put them up. Now go practice some of this! If you have tips you don't see up there PM me or reply back with the tip and I'll put it up there! Also I'm sure there's experienced CTF players that would be glad to show you these tips in the game.


PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2009 at 11:21pm
I've learned when backin up the flag carrier, sometimes bein hind them works. If I am behind them I use a link gun and just rip apart anyone who chases them.


Posted By: Black_star
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2009 at 11:33pm
Nice guide. Will be a good learning tool for people new to CTF. Try and get a hold of Colossus, Xerxes, or Penguin if you want info on Vertebrae. They know EVERYTHING about that map.


Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2009 at 11:35pm
Thanks for the info Black_star and phantaci

PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 1:34am
lollol, when i play coret, and i stress when , i dont know the maps very well, so ill grab the flag, and go to the right by the jump pad, and wait there, get people thinking im already on my side of the map, then make my way, seems to pay off more than not!

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 2:09am
Lol I'm surprised you guys like it I thought it was bad. anyways yeah sometimes it's a good tactic to chill for a bit and then go as they think your gone by then.

PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 2:49am
Ok guys RemY has "Part 1" of his Funny CTF guide ;). He said Part 2 is coming up!

PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 2:53am


Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 7:13am
actually a very good tactic to use when runnin the flag and i use this ALOT back everys off and kills the stupid ones is to (when runnin the flag dur) turn around if someone is chasin you (run backwards) and drop off single gernades from ur rocket launcher this will push back ppl whos chasin you by the shock rifle on reflection or just about anywhere on coret same with search light it doesnt really work on open maps


Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 3:32pm
Thanks crow for the tip I put it up there.

PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: Bird_is_Fn_A
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 9:23pm
Nice work guys.


Posted By: shewulph
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 10:42pm
thanks for the guide guys, im sure everyone appreciates it

this is my cup of care -> \_/

oh look. it's empty.

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 10:51pm
Originally posted by shewulph

thanks for the guide guys, im sure everyone appreciates it
like you care, your still just gonna spam! Wink

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: shewulph
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 10:54pm
Originally posted by x_puertoRICAN_x

Originally posted by shewulph

thanks for the guide guys, im sure everyone appreciates it
like you care, your still just gonna spam! Wink

you know rican, it's not healthy to keep your feelings bottled up like that. LOL

this is my cup of care -> \_/

oh look. it's empty.

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 11:00pm
Originally posted by shewulph

Originally posted by x_puertoRICAN_x

Originally posted by shewulph

thanks for the guide guys, im sure everyone appreciates it
like you care, your still just gonna spam! Wink

you know rican, it's not healthy to keep your feelings bottled up like that. LOL
say what??? lol idgi
tell you what, lets duel real quick right now. bad !LOL  LOL

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 06 Aug 2009 at 11:00pm


Posted By: NecroBeestiality
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2009 at 1:44am
wow. i am ready to play some ctf now. i never thought i would say that. im going to make sure my clan reads this.

House Music All Night Long

"Insted of peaple coming on this website were peaple are b**ing about peaple behind each uthers backs" - QuickRC

Posted By: InHuMaNe_KiLLa
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2009 at 5:50pm
Glad this help you Necro Big smile

PSN Tags - InHuMaN_KiLLa_v2 (for everything but UT3), InHuMaNe_KiLLa, KiLLa_is_QnL, GOML_-ScRuBz-
XBL - iMPuLs3 zV
wOa site created by me -

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2011 at 3:44pm
This isn't really a "tip" cuz I don't know how useful it is ingame...
Anyhow,  there was a ctf player about a year ago on the 360 who was pretty good and whenever they got the flag in ctf all you would hear from the announcer was "red/blue flag dropped" over and over and over again, up until they either scored or got killed.  I never knew how they were able to keep moving forward with the flag using a translocater and not have to go BACK to pick up the flag where they dropped it....
Someone finally told me how it's done:  you shoot the translocater in front of you and when you get to it hop over because it will disappear if you touch it, then when you get past it a ways, pull the trigger on the translocater and presto the flag is in front of you!  You can move pretty fast with it once you get the hang of it. I'm not sure if you go any faster than you would if you were just running with it....there seems to be a little forward momentum on the flag when it drops but probably a negligible amount. 
Useful?  I don't know but it confuses the heck out of everyone playing plus the announcer is spamming noise the whole time. Wacko

Do you realize that in about forty years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tatoos and pierced navels? O.o

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2011 at 4:22pm
Originally posted by warfare

This isn't really a "tip" cuz I don't know how useful it is ingame...
Anyhow,  there was a ctf player about a year ago on the 360 who was pretty good and whenever they got the flag in ctf all you would hear from the announcer was "red/blue flag dropped" over and over and over again, up until they either scored or got killed.  I never knew how they were able to keep moving forward with the flag using a translocater and not have to go BACK to pick up the flag where they dropped it....
Someone finally told me how it's done:  you shoot the translocater in front of you and when you get to it hop over because it will disappear if you touch it, then when you get past it a ways, pull the trigger on the translocater and presto the flag is in front of you!  You can move pretty fast with it once you get the hang of it. I'm not sure if you go any faster than you would if you were just running with it....there seems to be a little forward momentum on the flag when it drops but probably a negligible amount. 
Useful?  I don't know but it confuses the heck out of everyone playing plus the announcer is spamming noise the whole time. Wacko

thats Maniac.. he spent hours try'n different tele porting tricks on different maps on 360.. he did come up with some great tele port tricks too .. he can even get above the flag room on Vertabrae

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2011 at 4:26pm
Originally posted by uc SYZYGY uc

Originally posted by warfare

This isn't really a "tip" cuz I don't know how useful it is ingame...
Anyhow,  there was a ctf player about a year ago on the 360 who was pretty good and whenever they got the flag in ctf all you would hear from the announcer was "red/blue flag dropped" over and over and over again, up until they either scored or got killed.  I never knew how they were able to keep moving forward with the flag using a translocater and not have to go BACK to pick up the flag where they dropped it....
Someone finally told me how it's done:  you shoot the translocater in front of you and when you get to it hop over because it will disappear if you touch it, then when you get past it a ways, pull the trigger on the translocater and presto the flag is in front of you!  You can move pretty fast with it once you get the hang of it. I'm not sure if you go any faster than you would if you were just running with it....there seems to be a little forward momentum on the flag when it drops but probably a negligible amount. 
Useful?  I don't know but it confuses the heck out of everyone playing plus the announcer is spamming noise the whole time. Wacko

thats Maniac.. he spent hours try'n different tele porting tricks on different maps on 360.. he did come up with some great tele port tricks too .. he can even get above the flag room on Vertabrae
Ha, is that who it was?  He still plays almost everyday....

Do you realize that in about forty years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tatoos and pierced navels? O.o

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2011 at 4:48pm
yea the last time i played on 360 i kept waiting for Maniac to try a tele port trick then id return the flag without kill'n him lol i was hosting though and that makes everything much easier

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2011 at 5:37pm
Maniac does a translocator jump or something like that. He wall jumps off the translocator and he is able to kinda throw the flag a little bit and pick it up. It doesn't really make you move faster though. It's just a trick to throw people off. For example, he uses this trick to jump from the water on reflection to the ledge near the keg health. I think it's useless but it does look cool

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

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XBL: Tuna is QnL

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