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guide drokes wrote me :)

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
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Topic: guide drokes wrote me :)
Posted By: Cruel IntentionZ
Subject: guide drokes wrote me :)
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2010 at 9:32am
he wouldn't post this himself because he thought it was too nooby. with it came 2 vids, which drokes will post later when he updates them :)
anyways it helped me so thanks for taking the time to write it Embarrassed 
Strafe aiming
at the start of the vid i tried showing how to strafe aim; do the 'rough' part of the aiming with your normal stick you use to look around, and then instead of 'fine-tuning' it, just move to the side to finish your shot. It's easier to aim this way, especially considering you're playing on the console version with the sticks. I don't really think this is something you need to practice right away, because your aim doesn't seem that bad however you're doing it right now.

Easy combos
Next up in the vid were some easy combos, several ways to do these are:
*stand still, shoot core with primary
*shoot core, move directly backwards or forwards and just shoot primary without moving the cursor (opponents from the side have a harder time hitting you, people might not entirely expect you to finish it, nifty to keep people at bay while flagrunning)
*strafe combo:shoot core, move left/right, move back and finish it, dont move your cursor
(also kinda unexpected at times). If you want to you could try shooting a core, dodging to the left,
dodging to the right and then finishing it, also without moving your cursor - its a little trickier though.

I showed 2 examples of how you could run the same route through sentinel, one using strafejumps and walljumps, the other without. as you can see, this saves quite a lot of time. Even if you dont know where youre  going during a duel/tdm or whatever you're playing, just being on the move means you can get more items, weapons and health. Just be greedy and try to pick up everything. A kinda meanie thing to do is pick up the weapon but not the ammo near it, that way the player will get pissed off due to the weaponglitch, if he thought  it was up (he saw the weapon + ammo). If you're faster than your opponent you dont only get health/armor, it can help if he's chasing you when you're low on health, or to cut someone whos low on health off from where hes going sometimes. the fastest way to move is with walldodging, strafe jumping is fast too. theres some tricks like getting on the bridge on sentinel straight from the jumppad - this saves a second or so as well, if you dont need/want the sniper (or its already taken). Note that soundwhores will hear you easier if you jump btw, so sometimes when youre hiding its not a smart thing to do. a way to practice is to hold races on a track with someone, you could try the sentinel track in the vid and have a race with someone to see what you could do better (or worse).

Next is a random duel with a bot where i just kinda paid attention to what weapon to use. Up close? Use weapons like the rockets/flak etc. Distance? sniper/shock etc. Also try to predict where your enemy is; are you about to go in the open on deck while he may be up there, or somewhere you can spot him? swap to the sniper in time, so you have that time-advantage of not having to swap weapons. If you use a rocketlauncher, you'll want to get close and deal fast damage, but if the enemy has a rocket, you'll want to get distance and pick a sniper if you have that, even if you have a rocketlauncher yourself, its more of an advantage. Also if he has a sniper and you can get close with rockets, thats a good thing, even if he swaps to rockets itll take him time. Sometimes you can choose your weapon depending on what you're planning - are you flagrunning? youll want to spam rockets/flak/whatever back, just to delay people while you're getting out of there, so dont use a sniper. Same for an ambush - if you have the surprise advantage it may do a lot more damage to hit a full flak than a sniper shot (depending on distance).

In the video after a while I just swapped to the minigun and then shock, to kind of use 2 kinds of fire appropiately:
when on distance i use shock primary/minigun primary, but when up close the altfire can spam away and sometimes do massive damage. Also, flak shoots around corners, can be good against campers :D

Make sure you can swap to the proper weapon fast enough. You could probably bind weapons to buttons on your controller  and work from there, but that's probbly too confusing. Instead I usually use the weaponwheel (appearanlty not a lot of people do), and I know where exactly on the wheel every weapon is located. This way I can swap quick enough, and it also gives me a nice overview over which guns I still have with ammo.

While strafing what you want to do is not get hit, so you have more time to hit him. To do that, you'll have to be impredictable. Theres several kinds of dodging
*you can just circle around him going to one side of him all the time (tried to show that in the vid at one point, but the unreal levels dont really work that well for it). this is a predictable kind of dodging often, but not always
*You can just go in heads first, usually not so handy, straightlining makes for easy shots
*you can just go left and right, for example dodge left then right, or just move with the movement stick. this is a bit harder to hit, but a decent opponent will get the hang of it after a while.
*standing still - this can be really impredictable if you dont do it oft
*feign death - well you could get lucky i suppose, and i have killed associate like this before.. just standing up
again and shooting hehe
Usually I myself just go left-right and when near a wall i might 'stick' to the wall and follow it in the direction of the opponent, who usually expects you to jump to the side anytime.. which i wont as fast as they think.
Also note you shouldnt dodgejump against a good player when he is using sniper/shock etc but instead just move to the sides, thats harder to hit. Also if you just did a liftjump or something against a good player, it's often a lot harder to hit if you walldodge in midair, it also increases your speed when heading for something.
Again, if you're playing against someone who's using rockets you can dodge them (even though it'll be harder on US host, because you still get hit even if you dodged it on your screen), just try to dodge them while moving backwards (unless you're chasing for a kill). When playing against a sniper sometimes its possible to get up close and mess up their aim (aim assist), also it might get you a second while he's swapping to another weapon.
A way to practice dodging is to play impact hammer only (see vid), where you have to dodge even though getting closer, making it harder once you get near the guy.
As you can see in the vid, it's also nifty not getting stuck in the goo.

For jumping I use the x button for regular jumps and R3 (press movement stick) to (wall)dodgejump usually. I noticed most people don't like using the R3 button, but I find it pretty easy.

CTF Running
Your goal is to get that flag home, fast.
Usually I tend to just translocate on the flag and then figure out how to get out of the room full of campers.
A midair rocket isnt that important while running; all you have to do is keep people at bay while
focusing on dodging. Focus on walldodges and being impredictable. If you just killed their defenders or got out, you have a short while without them knowing where you are. In this time you can either try to run, or wait it out in their base.
Depending on the situation you might want to wait in the flak cannon on reflection - they wont spawn there as long as you're there (usually). If you're spotted you might want to swap routes and try another way to get out. Doing this too much (like me I guess.. lol, at least im impredictable :D) makes it harder for people who want to cover you though.
Just remember that while getting out all you have to do is spam back rockets or somethng as surpressing fire, while you rush to safety. Call out your route if you know someone might be able to help you out, and sometimes if you have 4hp hide until an ally can take it over. Oh and timing the powerups really helps the flagrunner out (you can have  someone play midfield to time it who can both run and defend at times if you want to, he can pay attention to anyone crossing midfield, and help defence by calling out where the enemy went into the base, so the defenders are prepared)

CTF Defence
There's still something to camping the flag, you need to have good communication. Who cares if they complain, do whatever it takes to get them off that flag, spam it hard so they'll have to kill you first. Having 2 people spam at you cooperatively is a lot harder than just 1, and can really pin someone down. If they get the flag out of the flagroom: where did you see him going? Call it out so another defender/someone in midfield can wait for him, or spam his entrance so he's stuck.
If you lost him your team will often know if he passed midfield yet. Some carriers really like to wait it out in the enemy's base, you can just be patient. As I tried to show in the shorter vid, you can just cut him off at the chokepoint (almost all maps have one) and kill him. If he's in the other base.. Someone has to stall time (get their flag) and others have to either cover him or find your own flag back.

Communication is the key, once you have that teamwork is a matter of time - just play together so you get a bit used to eachother.

Press square for translocator and square again to get back to the weapon you had before you swapped to translocator.
Use this to travel fast, shoot it in the general direction you're going and make sure it had some airtime before you translocate to the spot.
The longer it was in the air, the faster you're going - your only problem will be in which direction. A defender could leave a translocator at the flag while he's going for health, so he can get back quick when it's taken (square and altfire), and its also possible to leave it at the enemy's flag when looking for the other carrier; that way if their flag is returned you can take it and hide until your team manages the situtation. its also fun shooting translocators lying on the floor, in case someones gonna try use it later :D (lmao, asshole ;))

Some people are alive simply because it’s against the law to kill them.

Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 31 Jan 2010 at 9:52am
ha, so you actually posted it.
It's nothing special really, if I have more time sometime I'll make it more elaborate and fix the video that was supposed to go with it. It'll be awesome for the 3 ppl that would read it.

Some stuff I would add would be map control/flick aiming/sound etc.

edit: I also uploaded a random duel and gave lots of comments on why I did stuff, maybe that'll help duellers who don't really know what to do in a game. -
If you don't like the music just turn it off..


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